My Philosopher's Stone


Sr Member
My replica of the philosopher's/sorcerer's stone from the first Harry Potter movie.

Made with resin, epoxy, sand, and silver paint. Build process to come!

Also, if people are interested in buying, let me know and I'll put it up in the junkyard.
This is actually the 4th I've made. The others look pretty much the same. The "ore" on each changes a bit, but that's about it.
Also, I plan to make a copy of the letter from Dumbledore to the Gringott's Goblin to go with it.
This is pretty neat. I don't think I've ever seen a reproduction of the stone before. I can't really tell from the photos, but did you have any problems with air bubbles in the transparent resin?

Great job :)
This is pretty neat. I don't think I've ever seen a reproduction of the stone before. I can't really tell from the photos, but did you have any problems with air bubbles in the transparent resin?

Great job :)

Yeah, of the 4 stones, one of them has little to no bubbles, and the rest all have bubbles. I have a vacuum chamber that I used on 2 of them, but it's not too strong, so I'm not sure what made the difference for the one that has bubbles and the one that doesn't.

I still want to make a mold with better material (I used a cheap algaenate kind) to see if I get a better cast. The rock I molded off of is really super smooth, given the amount of bondo and sanding I've done to it.
Looks pretty good! I think Juno on here has made one before that was awesome looking too.

Yes she did! And I'm jealous of Juno's because it was made from a piece of obsidian, which has a cooler texture than this one, it makes it all glass-like.
I like your stone. I think there's room for a lot of interpretations of it. The Noble stone is just too small in my opinion. I own it, but I definitely prefer my own. I'm making my dad create a light-up base for my stone.

Mine wasn't made from obsidian!