My new PKD.


Sr Member
After several months of biting nails and all but giving up on it, I finally got a fresh blaster kit from Japan. It's a lot like the old Sidkits, only built from the ground up to have all the features of the Worldcon. When the Tomenosuke guys went to look at the hero during the auction, they took several comparison shots, and their parts were almost dead-on. It's all metal excepting the Bulldog receiver and hammer, and the bits that should be plastic anyway (for the record, the side panels are a white metal on the original).



All the reference material from Karl's Worldcon photos, plus the new material from the recent PiH was a huge help.

I've spent the better part of three days working on it. The Steyr receiver was a pain the ass. I used Mother's, then a wire brush, then blued the lettering and other indentations, sanded with 400 on up through steel wool, and then reblued it two days in a row to get it even. I agree with whomever said that a cop wouldn't let their weapon get rusty, regardless of the rain, so I left it blued.

For those not familiar, the original had white wires running down the side that were covered in electric tape during most of filming, until at some point they were cut. the PiH auction actually included the old, unattached bit of electric tape from the Hero blaster. :lol

The kit has a spring-loaded front trigger and the back trigger works the hammer. Overall, it's a well engineered kit. A few of the individual pieces are flimsy when separate (both my outer gripframe and Steyr reciever were severely bent) but they're interlocking and hold together well. it's going in a glass case, to be sure.

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Looks horrible. :angel Not even close to the real thing. I'll take it off your hands so you don't have to look at anymore! :love

Congrats on an amazing build! :love
It's well-balanced but weighs a frickin' ton. I can't imagine the weight of one made from steel.
Just for the record Jakob, I am extremely envious :)

Supposedly another version of the Blaster is coming out of Japan soon. Nothing about an airsoft yet, but a simple inexpensive kit version is in the works. It will be mostly resin of course. The Tomenosuke blog did say that they want to make the "Ultimate" version and took some of the best photos I have seen of the hero prop since Phase Pistols, before the Profiles auction. They even bid on it and were one of the last bidders for it. They had hoped to use it to make the "Ultimate" version, but alas not.

I am still working on getting more info, but my Japanese is pretty bad ;)

They are sold out for their complete run and they sold out in a couple days. They are still shipping them as they get them made, so they might show up on ebay and yahoo auctions Japan more and more as those that decide they can't afford them sell them off for the needed cash, or the speculators that got them start selling them. I know at least one went up for auction in Japan, but other than that, we are out of luck unless they decide to do another run. The price for these was also $800+ for a kit and $1400 for the built up.

Thanks Andy. All I can say about the "Ultimate" version is Oy Vey. I could rationalize the very steep $800 because I've spent more than that over the years trying to find a kit I was happy with. At this point the only upgrade path I can imagine is going with actual parts. :lol (don't tempt me!)