My MR Y-Wing

:thumbsup :love :eek i can't belive it. Incredible skill. I'm not worthy too read this thread. Thanks so much for posting the pics. staggering beauty.

is the female
leia from 'splinter of the mind's eye?'
Leia from the SotME book - nice. Forgot she flew a Y in that.

Cockpit is done, canopy is glazed, Leggs eggs & head are painted and the body is painted. Started the weathering process - need to paint the Artoo unit, add a couple of over-all filters, and then some specific airbrushing. Once that's done, I'll add spot-pigments to rusty and scorched areas, and then the scratching and chipping will be applied.






The engines are impossibly bright - see the flare on the left engine? And in the dark, it's ridiculous.

You da' man Jason. B)

Those engine lights have the same look as the ships had in the movies. Very cool.
That is the best looking Ywing I've ever seen. If this baby had come along before CGI............LFL would have used it and only CGI'd the head in the cockpit........LOL.

Super work man....

Dave :)
Thank you - I really love doing this, and am honored that you guys dig it. I've had a couple questions about "filters", so before I go off and airbrush them on, I'll prepare the camera and do a little tutorial. Something in the next week or so, time permitting, etc etc.

Oh - and the engines have a red led, with an amber led on either side (3 total in each burner can). The red is steady-on, and the ambers flicker randomly. Looks totally cool - like they're actually producing thrust.
Jason what did you mean the canopy is "glazed"? Did you use clear plastic for the windows or is glazing some other process I am not familiar with that you can explain?
Just that, yeah - clear plastic for the windows. always a hair-raising procedure.

Stand: A Smith Victor light stand (Raven RS8) with a Panavise head, and that threaded rod I was raving about a few weeks ago.

Been too busy this week to do anything of consequence on the Y, except I did finally settle on the Artoo deco, and got that painted. Just need to dirty him up.

Wow - three months and I finally found some time to start finishing this off. I added the 8 "braces" that transition the T-bars to the L'egg eggs, and if you look closely, you'll see that they are the most accurate ones yet! They are hollow (like the original Kettenkrad part is), and have a more-accurate shape around the join with the landing gear parts. This lets you see the L'eggs egg paint show through in the recess. For whatever reason, I was obsessed with mine having that feature.

I also found some dry transfers in my drawer of old Chartpak and Letraset sheets (hoarding dying technologies while working for 10 years at an art store in the late 80s and early 90s paid off!) - looks like a match to the registration marks as seen on one of the ANH Ys! I was really tempted to add this to my build, but in the end I passed. Maybe on my next one.

So speaking of dry transfers, I spent a little time adding those hash marks that the studio ships are riddled with. Icut up some width-appropriate fonts.

The end result was great!

Underside, too.

Now I need one more pass with the powdered pigments to get some carbon scoring, and then I will add chipping details. One more pass with the dull coating and it's done!
I wish you guys would quit posting these excellent pics of wonderful repaints by true master builders.

Because I look at my stock MR Y-Wing and CRY! :lol
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