My Masked Rider "Man of Steel" suit thread/review

Due to some very unfortunate issues with my car, I'm selling off my suit. It's a gorgeous piece of art and it breaks my heart to let it go. But Leslee is a rockstar, guys. This suit is quite amazing. Hear are the last two pics i took, just before i fully attached the cape and gauntlets

Such an amazing suit! Sorry to hear you have to let it go. How much are you asking and what size does it fit?

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Hey man!
Sorry to hear about you having to give up the suit. I'd be interested in giving it a loving home. I'm 6ft 3 and 220lbs (muscular build though), let me know if that would fit. Thanks, Nathan
Hey, you may have already said all of this, but I can't find it: Where to order the suit and armor pieces? What do you use to glue the urethane pieces onto the suit? How does the suit have that custom fabric look to it? It's so cool and I'm so confused as to how or where I can get all of this xD Thank you!
This thread is more than 8 years old.

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