My Masked Rider "Man of Steel" suit thread/review

Using E6000 should work because its some strong stuff. It works great for gluing the soles to the bottom of a lycra suit. Then again, standing with all your body weight on the sole helps. If anyone plans to glue the pieces onto the suit while wearing it, its best to wrap the areas of your body in plastic wrap as the glue will go through the fabric and then stick to you. Same thing if you glue it to a manikin. Only problem is you do have to let it set before you take off the suit. So I found it best to be prepared to do this when you have some time to stay in the suit while home. Otherwise if you take it off too soon, you'll have to start all over. My last MOS suit as seen in my avatar with my family, I used Beacon 3 in 1 Advanced Craft Glue (which is also the same as Beacon Fabri-Tac glue) for the \S/ shield. It actually helped to get the emblem to bend and conform to my chest. I used the E6000 for the soles of the shoes. Hope this info is helpful.
Using E6000 should work because its some strong stuff. It works great for gluing the soles to the bottom of a lycra suit. Then again, standing with all your body weight on the sole helps. If anyone plans to glue the pieces onto the suit while wearing it, its best to wrap the areas of your body in plastic wrap as the glue will go through the fabric and then stick to you. Same thing if you glue it to a manikin. Only problem is you do have to let it set before you take off the suit. So I found it best to be prepared to do this when you have some time to stay in the suit while home. Otherwise if you take it off too soon, you'll have to start all over. My last MOS suit as seen in my avatar with my family, I used Beacon 3 in 1 Advanced Craft Glue (which is also the same as Beacon Fabri-Tac glue) for the \S/ shield. It actually helped to get the emblem to bend and conform to my chest. I used the E6000 for the soles of the shoes. Hope this info is helpful.

You might be right BR2814 I used Zap-A-Gap for my previous symbol from Biggeek as well as E6000 together on the symbol. E6000 does not hold strong enough alone. Try using E6000 for the middle of each armour piece and Zap-A-Gap for the edges using the fine tip applicator, be careful Zap-A-Gap will run/leak unless dry. USE CAUTION PLEASE!!
Shouldn't need to do the plastic wrap for this particular suit. You are really gluing the detail pieces primarily to the raised silicon on the fabric, then some to the fabric itself. Under that there is still another layer of lycra, so the glue is not likely to ever get to your body. And I cannot imagine the heat of putting on this suit with a layer of plastic wrap under it!

When I get ready to mount the pieces on my suit, I'm going to try letting the glue sit on the piece for a while to get more tacky, then mount it while wearing the suit. Going to mean I have to stay in the suit for a while for it to cure enough to remove it, though.
Great timing on the Q&A about attaching the symbol as I was just about to start a thread asking the best way to attach the emblem I purchased from Pannaus last year to my suit.
Re: My Masked Rider "Man of Steel" suit thread/review

Okay guys I have included a video with full detail of the suit. Leslee the shoe measurements and sizing issues are on the video as well and I also PM you.

- - - Updated - - -

2nd Video

Thanks for the great video and review . Bro , the shoe that u planning to insert to your boots , u will need to take of the sole area and glue in under the red boots. As u mention and shows the boot damage , was it because of u insert your whole shoe in ? Can u take off the whole shoe sole and try to insert ?
Great video review, man. Thanks for posting that... I'll do something very similar once I polish my suit off.

Btw, dye sub undersuit or silver undersuit (w/o muscle shading)?
Btw, dye sub undersuit or silver undersuit (w/o muscle shading)?

Its silver undersuit with muscle shading. Was also my only concern that it would be too visible and think hes done a great job at making sure it wasnt.

Any news on wich glues might be working btw?
Even better to skip the plastic wrap altogether if the raised silicon layer does take to the glue. Its the fabric parts the glue could seep through. In the end as long as the glue doesn't get on you then its all good. :thumbsup
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