My Mal Reynolds (Firefly) costume

There are 6 dark stripes on the grosgrain ribbon, with two of them on the outer edges. The stripes on Mal's pants have 6 dark stripes across the center with a thinner dark stripe or edge at the edges. Also, the full width of the ribbon is exactly 1", and the stripe on Mal's pants falls between 1" and 1 1/8".
Still no word from the costume designer unfortunately. It's unlikely I'll get a response.

So here's a small progress shot of my gun build. It's only one of the pieces I've been working on and it's not done, but I got it trimmed enough to mount it on the frame.

I still need to do all the rounded edges and thin the top section.

I also have an observation about the gun belt that I'll be talking about soon. I've got some visual evidence that suggests something pretty interesting about it. More on that later.
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I'm going to go ahead and bump this because I'd love to see whatever happened with the Liberty Hammer Risu did you ever finish it?
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I didn't finish my scratch built gun yet. I bought one of the cast ones from the run a while back, figured that would do, was very disappointed it, and have moved the project to the back burner. I'm going to pick it up again soon and model the gun in solidworks, then machine it properly on CNC machine we just got at work. I'm also going to look into shapeways for some of the brass parts, but I won't know if that's feasible until I finish the models.