My home theater/prop room


Sr Member
Here's a few photos of my basement converted into a home theater/prop room. I have a second section (not showm) which will have a full size C3P0, R2, Boba Fett, Han Carbonite ect... have everything in hand just got to get my butt to work on them. Sorry for the crappy photos I really need to get a better camera.

In photos Steve Neison Tie Fighter (armature version), Salzo V3 X-wing, MR Y-wing pro painted by Dean, MR Falcon, MR AT-AT, SS Escape Pod, SS tie bomber, SS Probe Droid, Randy Cooper 38" Star Detsroyer and Blockade runner, Endo arm, Endoskull, Premium format Speeder Bike, Premium format INDY and T2 a bunch of MR sabers ect.... Icons Pulse rifle, Disney Nautilus. 2x life size stormtroopers, life size Darth Vader and my TOSHIBA 65" HDTV

Coming Soon: Studio scale Tydirium Shuttle, Cloud Car, Tie Interceptor, life size C3P0, R2D2, Boba Fett and Han Carbonite.















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I love seeing room pics!

Very classy set-up and lots of space. I love that the individual pieces aren't cluttered and on top of one another. Clutter really takes away from the marvels of each piece.
Really great room. THe only suggestion I would have is to get a golden idol for under Indiana in the Detolf. Other than that it is simply awesome!
Thanks guys,

Just added photos of my 65" home theater

Yes I definetly need to get a Idol. I always change my setups as I add stuff, the two Detolfs next to the trooper and probe droid need to need to be fixed up, I just filled them up temporarily with some old MPC kits, I like to put valuable stuff in the Detolfs, a good excuse to spend more money :love

Very awesome & creative. My only thing is that you should try to turn that trash can into a R2-D2 or some other droid.
Simmon M; said:
I love seeing room pics!

Very classy set-up and lots of space. I love that the individual pieces aren't cluttered and on top of one another. Clutter really takes away from the marvels of each piece.

Whatcha trying to say Si?!?!?!?!?!? Huh?! Huh?! You trying to start something?! :lol

Awesome room!!!! Wow great setup! Always envious of people who aren't afraid to put stuff n their walls

Plus you have some fantastic pieces there... Wow...just wow.
nice room and some very nice props there, GF!
i too love seeing how people display their treasures. i´ll have to arrange my collection someday too!

btw. nice trooper! ;)
Very very nice room , but there are two things i ask me.
Are you have too much money , or a very big disposal at your credit card?? ;-)
Yeah, I can definatly see myself watching movies for hours in there....awesome stuff.
I love the posters!