My HIC progress


Well-Known Member
Well first I have to convey my most sincere thanks to VashDstampede for holding one of these open for me. He did an excellent job on this project....and he packed it so well I almost didnt get it out of the box! :lol

So I just work on it in my spare time as a way of relaxing from the days which seem to be really long for me lately.

I am using Chris Kings blueprint for the case which has been a tremendous help. I debated cutting Han out of the framed edge of the casting but decided it looked way better if I left it in. The problem was that I wanted to glue and screw it to the front of the case and in sections where the resin was thicker caused it to be warped looking....nothing a sander and some time cant fix though. ;)

I am not quite done painting it but for the most part I am happy. I used a total of 14 colors so far in combination of dry brushing and also blotting with a piece of foam. I also may eventually fix all the screen inaccuracies as best I can but for now I am just enjoying the piece. Alright so onto the pics...sorry for the quality as my camera sucks.:unsure

So here is after opening it....followed by me mounting it to the case.


I had to do things like sculpt and sharpen detail in the hands but it was alot easier than I had thought it would be...I almost didnt do it but I'm glad I did.



I just liked this shot....:cool


So there you have it...its still very much a WIP but I thought it'd be fun to share.
Good job. :):thumbsup Which colors exactly are you using for the project. I've always thought there were only about 3 to 4 colors total.
Okay, I have this and have yet to touch it yet. Please, please, please post a painting tutorial!

I was also thinking of tackling the sculpting of the finer details in the hands and such. Did you have sculpting experience before trying this? I don't, and I don't want to ruin it if it really takes a lot of skill to do this type of fine tuning.
Thanks for the kind words guys!

The paint thing was an attempt to get it to match the prop with what I had....I honestly have no idea what or how many colors they used on the actual piece and I'm certain one could simplify this...I am just impatient when I get into things like this.

So here is basically what I used and did. (this is embarrassing in front of real painters;)) But I "chose" these specific colors because they were what I had on hand at the time and mixed and matched until it looked right. Keep those reference pics handy...they're a big help!

1. Grey primer mixed with a yellow wheat color=brushed on.
2. Spray aluminum=sprayed mist over whole panel

The following in acrylic (wash/weathering);
3. Gunmetal grey= brushed on and thinned with water
4. Black (thinned with water) brushed/blotted with damp cloth
5. Georgia clay (thinned with water and mixed with black) brushed/blotted with damp cloth
6. Spice tan (thinned with water and mixed with black) brushed/blotted with damp cloth
7. Morrocan red (thinned with water and mixed with black and tan) brushed/blotted with damp cloth

8. Spray cast iron coat= misted in places
9. Spray chrome= sprayed on sponge, wiped until it barely comes off and then swirled on the piece to create a metal effect.
10. Spray transluscent black

I still need to seal it but I have had to put the project on hold for a bit to get some other things done. I wont seal it though until completely painted just before the panels go in. But I specifically want to keep the detail dull and give the case a more polished look.

As for sculpting the hand'll have to call that one yourself...I am definatly not a sculptor but I can do it well enough to get by. Try practicing on a piece of wood first, and if you feel confident draw the lines on the hand and go for it....but there are amazing sculptors on this board that could give you far better tips than I could.
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Ok...I just have to share a little peek at my WIP panels from VashDstampede....I'd say this thing is about a third of the way finished at this point though it probably looks much further along.


Where are all the HIC builds? Lets see them people!