OK. So I've been drooling uncontrollably for the past month or so with all the fantastic HIC builds here, talk about inverted Volvo panels etc.
Unfortunately, I concluded that getting one for myself was out of the question. Too big, and thus shipping to this rock where I live is :eek :eek :eek $$$
I was therefore amazed a couple of weeks back, to come across a HIC that is 1/4 scale, and at a very reasonable cost.
So I grabbed it :lol
It's 51 X 21 cms. The panels are a 'tad' far from screen-accurate :angel ... amongst some other shortcomings.
BUT ... it's mine, and I love it :love :love
It fits into my deco perfectly, and if you have no space, and can't afford too much $$, this isn't bad at all I think.
It's made of fibreglass & resin and is 'hollow' at the back.
OK. So I've been drooling uncontrollably for the past month or so with all the fantastic HIC builds here, talk about inverted Volvo panels etc.
Unfortunately, I concluded that getting one for myself was out of the question. Too big, and thus shipping to this rock where I live is :eek :eek :eek $$$
I was therefore amazed a couple of weeks back, to come across a HIC that is 1/4 scale, and at a very reasonable cost.
So I grabbed it :lol
It's 51 X 21 cms. The panels are a 'tad' far from screen-accurate :angel ... amongst some other shortcomings.
BUT ... it's mine, and I love it :love :love
It fits into my deco perfectly, and if you have no space, and can't afford too much $$, this isn't bad at all I think.
It's made of fibreglass & resin and is 'hollow' at the back.
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