My firefly Mal Pistol - Shiny!


Well-Known Member
It is finally done, and I am so friggin happy right now. This has been a year in the making (literally) from the time of order to receiving it back yesterday. Pics:


The Rest of the Pics

I want to send a huge public thank you to my buddy Frank (jedeyenight) for the killer paint job. The wait on this was totally worth it. I know I expressed my gratitude on the phone last night, but this deserves a huge public thank you, you nailed it brother and I very much appreciate it.


Re: My firefly Mal Pistol - Shiny!

It's good seeing a Mal pistol again. That thing looks like a beast, and I love the stand. :thumbsup
Re: My firefly Mal Pistol - Shiny!

Nice pistol. That reminds me... I should pop in a Firefly DVD... been too long since the last time I enjoyed an episode.
Re: My firefly Mal Pistol - Shiny!

Looks great! I have one of the Philippe resin Mal pistols and I love the darker blued/bronze finish.
Re: My firefly Mal Pistol - Shiny!

Nice to see. I like the display stand too. I'm starting work on another Mal pistol myself, so it's good to have some inspiration.

Be seeing you,

Magnus Darcrider
Re: My firefly Mal Pistol - Shiny!

'Tis indeed shiny! I love the mirrored stand! What a great idea!!! :thumbsup I really gotta get off my duff and work on my mal pistol!!!
Re: My firefly Mal Pistol - Shiny!

wow, this got bumped out of nowhere, it is an old thread.....

It is one of Phil's resin ones, I love it. The stand is actually a MR Maul Stand that just fit the gun right

Thanks Guys

Re: My firefly Mal Pistol - Shiny!

Hello jedeyenight,
I was just wondering, how much do you normally charge for doing an incredibel paint job od this magnitude? I have many Mal pistols, Wilcomodels, I think a Phillippes, a Sidkit metal. I would very much like to have my metal Sidkit and maybe even my Resin one re-painted as well. Please let me know.

Yeah it is Dave! Weren't we just alking about re-doing this? LOL!