My Danny Glover / Matt Winston Encounters


Well-Known Member
OH yeah .....Posting a thread on the lair in like what?...Too damn long...nice Marzan... real nice. 

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Ok so i've been a little busy in my personal life but i'm still a part of this world....;)
First up Danny glover and my Elder...Nuff' said!!!!..Pics



Signing the flintlock...such a gentleman.

How cool is this piece....

Man, when he saw me he just lite up.... the place went crazy when we stood side by side....22 years reunited!!!..

My Next Adventure ....i worked it out with the folks at the Stan Winston school and the Jim Henderson foundation to surprise Matt winston (Son of the Creator) as i call was presenting for a festival in my home town at the Brooklyn academy of Music.....

yeah that had to happen...

i'm standing in the lobby waiting to surprise him...out of the side of my mask i hear...ANDREW!!!?....



such an honor to be able to shake his hand ....  once i got back out of the suit and came to watch jurrassic park. I find an empty seat and up sitting right next to was killer. he worked on the movie for crying out loud!!

ok so that's pretty much what i've been up to....looking for the next adventure and level to take the lair


Epic as always Kit and so humble about it.
More acheived in one post than most in an entire life time.

So happy for you,....lucky Bugger ;)
Great pic's man.

Would love to meet Danny, he comes across as such a genuine down to earth kinda guy.

But now for the most important question, how much money am I going to have to throw at you for that signed flintlock? 
It's kinda one of a kind piece no?..... the co. that used to make the locks doesn't anymore...Mr. Glover never did a event or a signing. 

I remember seeing the screen used one up for auction, but even that piece isn't signed....
part of the history of my it stays with it. :p
Awesome dude, I bet Matt loved that.

AND How many can claim they have met all 3 leading men  from the PREDATOR franchise, suited up in a pred suit?

thas buddy.

It is a achievement maybe only a few more will do over the coming years,  but you are the 1st. and i must say it seems only fitting that it is you.
I would love to meet Danny he seems really down to earth and does not seem to have his head up his ass like a lot of Hollywood stars.

Usurper said:
Awesome dude, I bet Matt loved that.

AND How many can claim they have met all 3 leading men  from the PREDATOR franchise, suited up in a pred suit?

thas buddy.

It is a achievement maybe only a few more will do over the coming years,  but you are the 1st. and i must say it seems only fitting that it is you.
Never has  a truer word been spoken,...
Mr Glover was beyond cool.... but this moment meant something a little special to me...

the fact it happened in the neighborhood where i grew up.... for me it was a Brookyln thing..Ha!
MEANGENE83 said:
Amazing stuff Andrew! Remember a few years back when you contemplated retiring the suit?? 

It was probably because Lee was harassing him to take pictures up in a tree, and he didn't have the guts to do it.
Wow bringing out the old schoolers in a that's progress!!!...

lee i hear ya about the paradox ...really trippy to think about..

Gene, you've been there 2 out of the 3 along with Busey and Lance....till we drop right?
and no i don't ever think i will ever "retire" from this...put my ass in the suit and wheel me in...

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