My Cantina Alien Prop Replica Mask/Head: Gotal.


New Member
I did this a while back, but didn't post it. Few have seen it, many have not. He's always been one of my favorite Star Wars cantina aliens, so it always ticked me off that he was never offered "back in the day."




This thing was much more difficult than I thought it would be. When you see the pics in the Star Wars Chronicles, it looks like it would be such an easy thing to throw together - just as it was thrown together back in 1976. The funny thing is, recreating that "thrown together" latex on cotton look was REALLY tough to pull off. That said, I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out.

It's virtually 100% accurate to the real piece. This is only the second mask I've done, so I did a TON of research to make sure I got it right. Every crease, wrinkle, ripple, shape, bulge. fluff, and frizz is just as it is on the real prop. I took ,special care to get all the little asemetric details and textures correct. It's also 100% accurate in size and color. Just as the original, it's a BIG piece at 18 inches tall! It is also a very heavy, thick and solid casting - it doesn't even require a support or base. He's one big, incredibly durable beast.

It's actually 100% wearable too, and features see-through lens eyes. This is the first piece I have done with fur, so there was a lot of work getting everything just right. Lots of trial and error and lots of fur to punch and glue. The fur was a REALLY tough thing to track down. If the shade was right, the length and shag was wrong - it took many months to get it just right.

To be honest, I've made a few improvements since these pics were taken. Generally, this is the case after you've made more than one. :)

Anyway, I hope you like it.
Now that i like very much,

it always amazes me the talent some people have around here.

The more i look at it the more i think its a fantastic peice, do you have any step by step pictures id really like to actually see how you put this together.

Awsome :thumbsup
High Tundra!

Your sculpt of the cantina band member is a tough one to top, but with the goat, I really think you've done it.

Your dedication to getting the textures right (in terms of the sculpt AND the fur texture) really paid off IMO.

Well done :thumbsup

very good! Did you sculpt the details before and cast it as unual? It doesnt look like this. It looks like you crumbled lates skin parts together like they did on the the originals? respect! Jörg
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