My Batman Begins/Bale bust ***FINAL SCULPT PICS***


Well-Known Member
The cowl is commonly sold on ebay. The bust was made by me, the jaw is not painted yet, just flesh color sculpy. Unfortunately the cowl was cut a little too "square" in the jaw area, so I had to make him a little more square-jawed then I would have liked to. I think it's a pretty good likeness to Bale though, I am pleased with how it came out. I just threw in a pair of eyes I had, they are blue, I am getting some hazel ones to put in. Let me know what you guys think, should I give it another shot, or is this one a "keeper". If anyone has any Batman Begins cowls/bust, feel free to hijack the thread, I would love to see some pics :D Bill

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Wow :thumbsup Nice Job. I would say thats a "keeper". Maybe It's just the camera but the right side of the lip seems to be slightly lower. Exept for that I think that pretty good.
Originally posted by Chingon@Jan 9 2006, 11:15 PM
Nice cowl. I think the mouth looks a little too like George Clooney, though.

That's what I was thinking...

Pics to grainy to pass judgement on the paint job...
There's nothing like working with your own hands. Good job.

I agree the jaw area might be a bit too squared. Since Clooney was mentioned, now I keep thinking it's Clooney. :p

Can you take more pictures with brighter light?
Thanks soooo much for the feedback guys, I made some improvements. Softened the chin/jaw a little, filled in the dimples, and thinned out the bottom lip. I think it looks much less Clooney-esque, and alot more Bale-esque now :lol . Let me know what you think....again :D Bill

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Originally posted by Scarecrow@Jan 11 2006, 08:20 AM
Definately too Clooney and the head is way too thin.

Did you see the new pics Scarecrow? Do you still think he looks to "Clooney"? I agree, the cowl is a little too "skinny", especially in the neck area. I tried stuffing it with plastic bags, but it distorts the jaw opening. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a great looking cowl, just not 100% accurate. Anyone else have any input? Bill
Getting close now :D Keep in mind it is not yet painted, just flesh colored sculpy. Please give me some feedback guys :cry Looking like Bale? Yes/No? I plan to do a little more work and them paint him up, so be brutally honest, I can take it :( Bill

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Lookin pretty good so far man. I did a Google image search on Bale and spotted some good non-bats refs that might help you out.

I think a few things might be holding this one back.

1, the split below the nose looks a little too wide. The points on the upper lip should probably be a tiny bit closer as well.

2, both lips look like they could be a tiny bit fuller, but only in the center. Bale's lips seem to thin out towards the edges. You've got the thin part down, now just tweak the center.

3, the chin looks a little too wide at the base.

4, the chin doesn't seem to protrude enough in the front (though it's tough to tell because of lighting).

Also... take him outside or next to a window for the next pic... you're lighting is killin us. :lol

Good job so far man.

Thanks for the input Tom. I think you are right on all accounts, I will be making the changes you mentioned today :thumbsup . More pics to come. Bill