MST3K table lights "Movie Sign" - WIP


Sr Member
I recently received a full Tom Servo and Crow 1:1 replica.
Now I'm planning to make the table to display these guys.

I know they used found parts for most of the things that was used in the show, so I was wondering if anyone knows if the table lights they would hit for contacting Dr. Forrester etc. , commercials and movie sign is a found part or parts.

Any help or even different shots of this would be greatly appreciated.
I may just have to make this from scratch.

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Re: MST3K table lights "Movie Sign" - parts question

The lights on top appear to be clear spray paint caps painted with the colors for Tom, Crow and Gypsy. The ribbed parts are from the drainage tubing that details much of the sets, and it looks like the body is made from foam core. The only thing that could be anything are the black rings under the lights, but I'd suggest getting some PVC pipe and slicing little rings out of it.

Hope that helps. :)
Re: MST3K table lights "Movie Sign" - parts question

Dead on! Thats exactly right, the tubing is the same as used on the inside of Crows body, the 'button's are the spray paint lids with the bot colours
Re: MST3K table lights "Movie Sign" - parts question

Nice idea for a bot display. I'd like to add Crow to my collection this year, cool idea for making them a table to sit at.
Re: MST3K table lights "Movie Sign" - parts question

Thanks Anubis Guard & Guardian Devil!
They really do look like spray paint caps.
However, the main "body" may be more than just foam core, since the top part looks like it has some sort of vents (second pic) and it looks like the top can come off like a lid or panel.

Anyone else have some theories on this?
Re: MST3K table lights "Movie Sign" - parts question

OK, here's my attempt at this.
The caps here are just for size reference, I will be painting clear ones with translucent colors and adding lights.
I'll be going to the hardware store tomorrow to find those front details as well as the bases for my "lights".
I will also add a lip to the top and bottom to give the illusion of a lid.

Re: MST3K table lights "Movie Sign" - parts question

According to lore, the box was an old 80s Mac printer. Reportedly a paint tray makes a good substitute.
Re: MST3K table lights "Movie Sign" - parts question

Sounds promising! I'll have to do a search and see if I can find any old printers that resembles this.
Re: MST3K table lights "Movie Sign" - parts question

Here's my progress so far, fun little project :D.

I still need to get some clear caps and paint them the right colors and put the lighting in it, but it's pretty much done!
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Re: MST3K table lights "Movie Sign" - parts question

Looks great!
Didn't want to use the accurate drainage tubing, though?
Re: MST3K table lights "Movie Sign" - parts question

I looked all over the hardware store and the only drainage tubing they had had "squared" ribs, but the pics show that it is rounded.
I'll probably find some now that I don't need it
Re: MST3K table lights "Movie Sign" - parts question

The truth is, that the orginal was an air filter from the mid 80's. I know my friend found one and it was confirmed to be the real on. I know this post is beyond dead though...
Re: MST3K table lights "Movie Sign" - parts question

The truth is, that the orginal was an air filter from the mid 80's. I know my friend found one and it was confirmed to be the real on. I know this post is beyond dead though...

Really? Cool. Does your friend still have it? Are there any brand names or identifying marks? Inquiring MiSTies want to know!
Re: MST3K table lights "Movie Sign" - parts question

I know quite a few people, including me, who would love to get the info on this as well.
Please share:love