Mr. Stay Puft


New Member
I built a false front on this, and under that is flames, for when the busters cross the streams on me...There are small flame piece I made that go on the arm, and one foot. and I also made a piece that looks like the marshmallow is melting and starting to drip. I had all of this at the Mid Ohio Con contest, but part of it fell off at one point. I also dropped the big marshmallows out of a hole in the bottom to simulate, him getting the poo scared out of him....There is a switch inside the head so I can make his eyes glow red, or flash red.





Thanks for the kind words. I kinda guess from the reactions I get with it, it is not something you normally see. It was my first time ever making anything like this. I owe it all to a guy named Kyle Pasciutti. It was his pattern I used, and modified.

Im always making it better and better. Im in the process of making the eye brows animated, and trying to figure out some way to animate the mouth as well.