MPC Millennium Falcon Conversion

Best would be to redo the crescents either with a thicker sheet, or set in flush with the top. Let the mismatch occur on the bottom.

I'm in agreement with Robn1.

I would clamp a thick piece of styrene, or a small piece of flat rigid piece to the top, insert the crescents and glue from the inside, this way the top surface is flush to the rest of the hull. I would then add new plate detail of the same thickness of the existing plate detail that's molded to the hull, so that it all blends together, shaving off the old or adding to it will be a choice that you'll have to make, if it was me, I'ld shave off the old plate detail and replace with a new piece.... but not without making a stencil of the existing plate detail that's about to be removed.

Good luck, and get back to work.

Aha I think I understand now.. I think it's more trouble than it's worth though, I've got a decent supply of styrene so I'm just going to scratch the mandibles. The only thing that held me back from scratching them before was the metal tubing inside, it's glued pretty heavily to the inside but it should come out with a bit of heat and wiggling

Thank you all for the suggestions, I don't think the time and effort would yield a good enough result with my skills, scratching them seems to be a decent way to go :p
At this rate the only parts that will be 'true' MPC will be the hulls!!
Might as well scratch the hulls too. ;)

I'm not gonna deny that, and I wouldn't even put it past myself at this stage to do it... :rolleyes

Well, I must say that my projects have become pretty dependant on access to the laser cutter recently



You can see here that the holes are about 4mm closer to the front on my laser cut ones in comparison to the MPC part...woops...some funky measuring going on with that. But maaan I'm not gonna get fussed over that


And I started plating the insides of the engine emitter things

WOW! Great work of the MF. How's the sanding coming ont he poured resin? That must be a job!

Thanks man, always appreciate your comments. Well I've been mainly carving it with an angled chisel blade knife thingy (it's a wood carving tool, I know that much is certain :p ), there are a couple of low spots actually, so I bought some fine putty yesterday; should be getting on with that bit soon.

Weezer is right really..I should've just scratched the whole thing haha
Wow, just keeping cutting parts off until there isn't kit left :p. Seriously nice work.

How many primer coats can you get away with before the buildup becomes detrimental to the finished product? The vents over the engine in the back I would be especially worried about since they sport some of the finest detail on the kit; willy you replace them with the laser cut grates?
You said you had a Falcon project going on but you said nothing about how thorough it is. Very enjoyable thread to read thru, I must say, excellent work! Subscribed. Keep it up!
Great build, have really enjoyed reading through this.

Thank you!

Wow, just keeping cutting parts off until there isn't kit left :p. Seriously nice work.

How many primer coats can you get away with before the buildup becomes detrimental to the finished product? The vents over the engine in the back I would be especially worried about since they sport some of the finest detail on the kit; willy you replace them with the laser cut grates?

Well... scroll down and you will see the glorious new grilles :D

You said you had a Falcon project going on but you said nothing about how thorough it is. Very enjoyable thread to read thru, I must say, excellent work! Subscribed. Keep it up!

Thanks Avanaut your comments mean a lot to me!

And HERE ARE...//drumroll//

The etchings! Without a doubt these are my proudest accomplishment in this hobby



Obviously the original grilles will be cut out, but here is a photo with the PE grilles laid on top


As soon as my engine nozzle mold is cured, then I will put up the JY thread that 4 of these kits will be sold in. There will be a second run for sure!
This must be the most detailed build I have seen on this forum from a long time, keep it going! Be sure to check that the light speed feature works though! :)
In fact, it won't stay any original parts :D
This wip is very outstanding :thumbsup

Thank you!

This must be the most detailed build I have seen on this forum from a long time, keep it going! Be sure to check that the light speed feature works though! :)

Thanks Kevlarr, you obviously haven't seen Jaitea's build!! His details knock the socks off mine :D

I drilled out the original vents with a 16mm drill bit, only roughly because they're to be filed anyway



Replacement radar dish! 43mm wide if you wanted to know. I salvaged the Saturn V piece from the original kit, just trimmed it down




I also bought some fine iron powder...going to experiment with cold casting clear resin...hoping for some funky effects when lit... gotta wait and see how it goes

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