MODEL FINISHED!!! Official Photoshoot Zvezda Star Destroyer

Re: Official Photoshoot Zvezda Star Destroyer

Brilliant! The hard work definitely payed off. She's a beauty. Thank you very much for the pics! :)
Well its a tough crowd. I hoped it would have been more popular. What could have been better? I really pour my guts into this model...LOL! Anyways....thanks for looking guys!
grey too dark. engine lights too blue.
recommend watching opening sequence of star wars which is now known as anh
if i remember correctly, the engine lights weren't blue at all (being quartz projector lights and all)
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I wonder if the overall color is too dark as well, though I also wonder if that's an artifact of the lighting.

Also, I always cringe a little at blue engine lights on OT ships. The fighters almost all had red/orange lights, the Falcon had white lights, and the other big ships had whitish-yellow lights. (The only one that looks a little blue to me is the Imperial shuttle)

Other than that, I like your execution, here. All the fiber optic stuff looks really good. That's something I've always wanted to try but still haven't gotten up to. I'll bet it looks real pretty in person!

The ship was painted insignia white from Tamiya. The gray is a by product of the lights I guess. The images are now gone, thanks for looking. Im proud of it but since its no good I prefer to keep it out of the site. Its funny because Ive seen worse....way worse work here and it gets tons of positive reviews. Guess I will keep my work to myself from now on. Thank again.
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Wth? I came to see the model!

Who gives a rats arse what people think ? I know criticism is tough sometimes, but I always like to hear true opinions rather than false praise.

Anyway, consider reposting the final pics. In my opinion, your work, coupled with your photography has always been spot on. I enjoy seeing all of your keep on rollin brother !
You are too kind Pcoz.

Look for them here:

To me the only thing added thats not like in the movies are the engine lights. I went with blue because I liked them. But some put the "accuracy" to the original prop before the quality of the work. I even went with warm fiber optics lights instead of the cool blue almost everyone uses in these builds for the sake of accuracy to whats seen in the screen. BTW I have watched the initial scene of ANH thousands of time. But as said before some just want to sound "smart". The ship looks gray and thats due to the light and type of shooting I did....didnt they look that gray in the original films?? LOL! Perhaps I need to build myself what some call "reputation" to have more "cred" around here. I dont know. I could manipulate the images to show the engine lights completely white and could lighten up the ship itself to satisfy the general consensus but what would be the point of that.
I think it looks pretty cool! Regardless, all builds are an interpretation of what we visualize in our minds, even if we're trying hard to imitate an original shooting model etc. There will always be variances. I always think opinions are cheap, everyone has one! You've put a lot of work into the build and it looks great! As for how many comments a thread may get...who knows! Crappy farting prank videos can get millions of views, and something that is a work of art might be largely ignored. I wouldn't put too much thought into it.
I realized something....LOL! Rookie mistake when using a new camera. My white balance was set wrong and I did not realized it even after processing the images. They are not too gray....they are too warm. Check this out.This is how she looks with my cell phone, just after I finish it.

20170408_174342 by Oscar Baez Soria, on Flickr

Light enough for you? I think the gray tonality is spot on.

Now, compare with this:

269A0762 by Oscar Baez Soria, on Flickr

So its not TOO gray like Mr see the ANH opening scene said....its in fact too warm! LOL! Perhaps is not Mr See the Opening fault, its more of a technical aspect of a faulty WB issue. Here is a quick (badly made) fix I just did:

34077206465_f8cc2383bf_o_phixr by Oscar Baez Soria, on Flickr

If I can not fix this with my more serious PP software I will take these images again. Im convinced the model deserves the best images possible and these were kind of confusing....I still like the blue in the engines though...LOL!

Your SD looks great! Sure, the color balance on the photos is a little off but it looks like you remedied that.I'm still working on my kit. I'm enjoying working on it so I'm taking my time.
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