Minneapolis Area Prop Party - this Saturday


Sr Member
This from Minnesota Jones, who is having computer issues:

It is I, Minnesota Jones, inviting everyone to a prop, collectible, and Dreamhaven-is-now-open-in-my-neighborhood party! It'll be Saturday August 30th (Same day Dreamhaven reopens just blocks from my house!). http://www.dreamhavenbooks.com/

I'm thinking 2:00 PM til ? - I'll kick out the stragglers once I decide to go to bed that night or the following morning... ha!
(Dreamhaven is open 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM on Saturdays once moved)

So stop by, hang out, go hit Dreamhaven for a spell, and come back if ya want!

We'll probably have some snacks and maybe some Hamburgers and Hot Dogs on the grill (just have to talk the wife into that). We'll probably BBQ around 5:00-6:00 or so. BYOB, but we'll have some beer and pop too!

No need to RSVP, but the more people that commit to stopping by our place may help me in figuring how many Doggers and Burgers to pick up.

Address is easy to find via Mapquest, or you can email me too for more specific directions...

Michael & Kathleen (aka MN Jones and Mrs. MN Jones)
(address and phone removed)

The only "bad" thing is this is Labor Day Weekend, and I totally understand if people have other plans that weekend. PLUS the State Fair will be underway as well (we'll hit the SF the 1st weekend). Just wanted this party to coinside with Dreamhaven's reopening.

Hope to see ya on the 30th!

Mike (MN Jones)

Mike's already emailed the usual suspects, but if there are any newbies or anyone he missed, come on over anyway! If you need address, phone number, or directions, you can email Mike at minnesotajones261 at msn.com and he can give you all the details.

It may be a busy weekend, but I hope a bunch of you can make it!

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Holy crap! What a co-inkeydink!

I'm flying to MN from Friday - Tuesday and going to the fair Sat morning. I'm staying in Elk River.

I'll see if I can swing by!
Holy crap! What a co-inkeydink!

I'm flying to MN from Friday - Tuesday and going to the fair Sat morning. I'm staying in Elk River.

I'll see if I can swing by!

Coolness! I hope you can make it! I hope some of you other guys with busy Saturday nights can make it, too!

And Mlarson007, stay in touch! We've been averaging around 2 prop parties a year lately, plus the Propatorium at Marscon, and we had a Prop Dinner at Ol' Mexico ealier this year. We just had to have a prop party this weekend to make us pathetic non-Dragon Con goers feel better. :D

If any of you who don't have much time to contact Mike before coming want to bring some munchies or drinks, feel free. There should be plenty there, I'm guessing. But he's buying burgers and hotdogs sort of based on how many people have RSVPed, so we want to make sure not to starve on a beautiful summer day. :)

Thanks, yakcam, for sticky-izing this!

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Mike's closer to the Smegamall. And not too far from the light rail, but I'm sure you won't need that.

It was nice meeting you guys. You should have charged admission with all the cool stuff you guys had.

Looking forward to the next one.