Millenium Falcon rattle can base color??


Sr Member
Anyone have a good base color for the Millenium Falcon in rattle can???

I think the testers light aircraft gray looks good but I'm wondering if anyone has a better one????

There is a range of artists spray cans, Montana Gold and their G7000 shade, once called diamond grey, but now sometimes called pebble is a good match for the studio paint used in Kubrick's 2001.

I mixed my own base for my falcon but used the Montana spray on 2001 models....looking at both, I think it is a good match as a base for the falcon.

MG sprays are rather different from hobby or car sprays; low pressure and a choice of nozzles. My advice is test and practice before risking it on a valuable piece. Results are excellent....with practice!
Well, if you have access to Tamiya "AS" series spray cans, light gray is a good color to use, as long as you don't spray it over a black basecoat to try and pre-shade it (it looks too blue then). You might be limited on the Testors rack, although they have a light aircraft gray on the standard rack that I believe is really the same shade as Camouflage gray on the Model Master bottle rack (and I believe Camo gray is available from MM as a spray color). To me, straight camo gray looks a little too dark and brown, but it is a good color and I've used it for other SF models.

Why not just take the plunge and request an airbrush from Santa this year? When you have one, you wonder how you ever got along without one for so long.
I've used "light aircraft gray" and "pebble" (not together).
I'm no Falcon expert so I can't comment on which is more accurate but I preferred the "light aircraft gray".
That said, neither one looked bad especially after weathering.
Well, if you have access to Tamiya "AS" series spray cans, light gray is a good color to use, as long as you don't spray it over a black basecoat to try and pre-shade it (it looks too blue then). You might be limited on the Testors rack, although they have a light aircraft gray on the standard rack that I believe is really the same shade as Camouflage gray on the Model Master bottle rack (and I believe Camo gray is available from MM as a spray color). To me, straight camo gray looks a little too dark and brown, but it is a good color and I've used it for other SF models.

Why not just take the plunge and request an airbrush from Santa this year? When you have one, you wonder how you ever got along without one for so long.

Actuallu I'm am planning on getting an Airbrush finally. But this is for my 6ft Toys R Us Falcon. So weathering will be airbrushed after developing some mad skills :lol but I posted about it in another thread and the studio scale folks agreed Airbrushing the base coat of something this big would not be needed.

So I'll probably go with the Light aircraft Grey.

Thanks for the help.

You can see it here:
IIRC the original was painted with a "platnium" color primer that is not made anymore. what you could do is paint it completely black, then paint white over it so that the end result is a very light gray. then heavily weather to get all the pits, chips dings, and color variations...

But to my knowledge ther eis no color out of the rattle can that is "close enough" for most of us...

Jedi Dade