MEGAN FOX DROPPED from Transformers 3.....

Oh! God!!! I wouldn't have got the reference until December or so, when a (female, heh!) friend enthused about Grey. I disagreed with her for the same reasons I'm not a fan of Fox. Good catch, you're exactly right.
megan fox and sasha grey have the same look in their eyes.

drop megan from enough real movies and she'll move to pron - here's hoping!

She's a "C class" actor in real movies - but she'll be "A class" in Pron

Ever notice that she never closes her mouth? In 97% of the pictures out there of Megan her mouth is open.... now, what type of movies can you guys think of where that would come in handy? Hmmmmmmmm???
See, I've dated crazy girls before. And you know what? I'm done with that. I can spot that kind of crap a mile away and I want NOTHING to do with it. I don't care how gorgeous she is (and I don't find Megan Fox to be all that gorgeous anyway). If she's crazy, I'm not interested. Been there, done that, got the scars and horror stories to prove it. Not interested.

I guess what pisses me off about girls like Megan Fox is not that they're attractive. I know plenty of attractive, wonderful women. I've even dated a few. No, what pisses me off is the sense of ENTITLEMENT that surrounds her. Like, "I'm pretty, so you have to put up with my bulls**t." Although even that is probably more a front for her own deep-seated insecurities about her looks. Regardless, that's a big bucket o' crazy that I want nothing to do with. You, my friend, are welcome to her. It's your funeral.

Preach it Bro!


It! (y)thumbsup:thumbsup

She was probably the only thing that made that movie watchable...and I'm not talking about her acting.

And certainly not her toe thumbs.
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