MEGAN FOX DROPPED from Transformers 3.....

I'm probably one of the few that doesn't find Portman attractive at all and her acting to me is lifeless. Except maybe in the Professional where she acted the part well and to me was her best acting work.
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I'm probably one of the few that doesn't find Portman attractive at all and her acting to me is lifeless. Except maybe in the Professional. She acted the part well and to me was her best work.


She was phenomenal in the Professional, but 'hot' is pushing it. She was a little girl, and I have an even harder time watching it for the last several years because she bears an uncanny resemblance to my niece.
I think Mercury meant her acting is lifeless except in The Professional, rather than that she's not hot, except in The Professional. :D

I find her lifeless a lot of the time too, but make the same exception. I was quite interested in her career following that but she never seemed to quite show those same chops again!

She was phenomenal in the Professional, but 'hot' is pushing it. She was a little girl, and I have an even harder time watching it for the last several years because she bears an uncanny resemblance to my niece.

I've never found her even remotely "hot" in any of her work tbh and the subject about her infatuation in The Professional was creepy to say the least but I believe her lifeless acting fit in to the "disconnected" character that had seen her dysfunctional family killed in front of her. Maybe a lucky casting on the directors part perhaps. IMHO. Still I know people find her attractive and everyone has different tastes. I think Fox is hot, toethumbs are not. :lol
I think Mercury meant her acting is lifeless except in The Professional, rather than that she's not hot, except in The Professional. :D

I find her lifeless a lot of the time too, but make the same exception. I was quite interested in her career following that but she never seemed to quite show those same chops again!

Exactly, I thought my post was pretty clear and was a bit taken aback by Firesprite's reply. I want to clarify I did not think Portman was attractive as a little girl.
Now that Fox is gone, how about dropping Shia Ladouche. The kid has no acting ability whatsoever, and has all the emotional impact of a rock (that means you can get rid of his screen parents, who are useless). Why not make Captain Lennox the new lead character? I find Josh Duhamel's acting ability so much better than Fox & LaBouf combined . Have his wife and daughter become part of the story.

And a biggie IMO, more STORY!! less SPFX!!!

Megan Fox - History
Shia Labouf - Here's hoping:)
Now that Fox is gone, how about dropping Shia Ladouche. The kid has no acting ability whatsoever, and has all the emotional impact of a rock (that means you can get rid of his screen parents, who are useless). Why not make Captain Lennox the new lead character? I find Josh Duhamel's acting ability so much better than Fox & LaBouf combined . Have his wife and daughter become part of the story.

And a biggie IMO, more STORY!! less SPFX!!!

Megan Fox - History
Shia Labouf - Here's hoping:)

I've never cared for that character either. He was the guy who suggested at the end of the first movie to go hide in the city. You know, the one full of civilians whose day wouldn't have been complete without having mountain dew spewing vending machines attacking them. Even after watching part two I still say thats the dumbest plot point ever.
...Mountain Dew spewing vending machines attacking them. Even after watching part two I still say thats the dumbest plot point ever.
Yeah, but if they had released an action figure for Dispensor, I would have bought it in a hot minute. And yes, that's actually his name.. hehe.
"Turn her away" in what sense?


...I tend to agree with this. For me, she just comes across as plastic, rather than actually hot. Not to mention that she really does look kinda bitchy. It's her eyes and her facial expressions, you see. Every time I see her in pictures and such, she exudes ZERO warmth. I don't mean "warmth" in the sense of "nurturing" or whatever, I mean warmth in the sense of "like something other than an android or blow-up doll." Her eyes...they're dead. Just...dead. Empty. Nothing going on there. I don't mean "stupid" either. I mean...empty. Cold. Uninviting. No passion.

Her "come hither" look is non-existent. She poses. Not the same thing. Other women have a "come hither" look that really makes me want to "go thither." But this girl:


...just doesn't seem to be there. Like I said, no warmth to her. Nothing welcoming, nothing beckoning. Just a pose. An empty pose with empty eyes.

Even this picture:


...which is, admittedly, better, still she isn't there. She might as well be a robot. And to me, that's not sexy at all.

Other women, even when they pose, exude sexiness. Megan Fox exudes plasticity.

It's not even the "skank" factor, either. There are plenty of porn stars who can come across as skanks but still be sexy in a weird way. Not Megan Fox, though. Not for me, at least. Bedding her -- or rather, bedding her public persona -- would be like getting it on with an animatronic "Real Doll." Tonight on HBO's Real Sex -- Megan Fox!

Would I turn her down?

Hmm...I honestly don't know. I'd turn down her public face, definitely. That may have nothing to do with Megan Fox the person, of course, but her public persona just does NOTHING for me, and that makes me think the sex would be lousy.

If you mean "you wouldn't turn down dating her", oh, I most certainly would (again, based on her public persona). She might be worth going out to dinner with...actually, scratch that. Drinks. I don't want to foot the bill for her meal. She might have some interesting stories, but I have a feeling I'd get bored or annoyed with her after a while.

IDK Maybe I am hanging out with & dating the wrong women. Because Megan Fox Seems normal to me; what I mean is it All the women I know. Are built like her & come off souless self-centered, diet pill chugging loons more often then not.
That no matter how many times you tell them they are pretty they still pop Cleansing pills. (I just Googled Cleansing pills They are for drugs & detox not weight loss...I need to inform my friend she is taking these pills for the wrong reasons.)

The only guys angry with girls like Megan fox are the one's who can't get dates with them. Its sad but true, then there are the guys that can get date with women on that level & they destroy our lives or pop in and out of your life with Drama on Jerry springer level.:angry

Also calling Megan a shank because of the way she looks is unfair, I know two Extremely good looking women that at still virgins at 20 & I also know two very normal looking women at 20 & 23 That if they told you they both had 60 sexual partners each you wouldn't believe it. So don't judge a book by its cover.

P.S Megan is a horrid actress:angel
IDK Maybe I am hanging out with & dating the wrong women. Because Megan Fox Seems normal to me; what I mean is it All the women I know. Are built like her & come off souless self-centered, diet pill chugging loons more often then not.
That no matter how many times you tell them they are pretty they still pop Cleansing pills. (I just Googled Cleansing pills They are for drugs & detox not weight loss...I need to inform my friend she is taking these pills for the wrong reasons.)

The only guys angry with girls like Megan fox are the one's who can't get dates with them. Its sad but true, then there are the guys that can get date with women on that level & they destroy our lives or pop in and out of your life with Drama on Jerry springer level.:angry

Also calling Megan a shank because of the way she looks is unfair, I know two Extremely good looking women that at still virgins at 20 & I also know two very normal looking women at 20 & 23 That if they told you they both had 60 sexual partners each you wouldn't believe it. So don't judge a book by its cover.

P.S Megan is a horrid actress:angel

I don't think the skank thing is simply because of how she looks.

At least on my part (as a woman), her attractiveness level took a MAJOR nosedive after I saw the interview she did with Rolling Stone where she blithely admitted to battering her boyfriend, threatening to kill him, kicking him out of his own house, then trashing the home where he and his children live. She admits to having a 'horrible temper' and making no effort to get control of it.

So, in all honesty, even if I were a guy, I'd turn and walk the other way if presented with her. She's got double the crazy of Angelina Jolie when she was younger, but not an iota of the talent.
I'm sorry...this whole topic is a joke...much like TRANSFORMERS to begin with.
For starters, maybe someone could have put some thought to writing her character as something more than "object" to be drooled over.
And not one word has been said here about the on screen TRAGEDY that IS Shy LaPOOF.
I will never forgive the person responsible for letting that A**Hole into an Indiana Jones Movie...if you could go so far as to claim that flick as an Indy Movie...
Oh I'm on a tangent...what was the point of this thread again?
I'm sorry...this whole topic is a joke...much like TRANSFORMERS to begin with.
For starters, maybe someone could have put some thought to writing her character as something more than "object" to be drooled over.
And not one word has been said here about the on screen TRAGEDY that IS Shy LaPOOF.
I will never forgive the person responsible for letting that A**Hole into an Indiana Jones Movie...if you could go so far as to claim that flick as an Indy Movie...
Oh I'm on a tangent...what was the point of this thread again?

Now that Fox is gone, how about dropping Shia Ladouche. The kid has no acting ability whatsoever, and has all the emotional impact of a rock (that means you can get rid of his screen parents, who are useless). Why not make Captain Lennox the new lead character? I find Josh Duhamel's acting ability so much better than Fox & LaBouf combined . Have his wife and daughter become part of the story.

And a biggie IMO, more STORY!! less SPFX!!!

Megan Fox - History
Shia Labouf - Here's hoping:)

Hey! I said Shia Labouf sucks as an actor:sick. Get rid of Ladouche and make Capt Lennox(y)thumbsup the new lead character, who's with me?:)
IDK Maybe I am hanging out with & dating the wrong women. Because Megan Fox Seems normal to me; what I mean is it All the women I know. Are built like her & come off souless self-centered, diet pill chugging loons more often then not.
That no matter how many times you tell them they are pretty they still pop Cleansing pills. (I just Googled Cleansing pills They are for drugs & detox not weight loss...I need to inform my friend she is taking these pills for the wrong reasons.)

Wow. Guess I've been lucky, then. I wouldn't be able to stand hanging around folks like that for too long.

The only guys angry with girls like Megan fox are the one's who can't get dates with them. Its sad but true, then there are the guys that can get date with women on that level & they destroy our lives or pop in and out of your life with Drama on Jerry springer level.:angry

Well, two things. (1) I'm not "angry" with Megan Fox. I find her public persona irritating, but I don't know her as a private person. But her public persona seems fairly unappealing. (2) As far as not being able to get a date with her, I thought the whole point of the thread was I wouldn't want to? You're probably right, though, that I couldn't get a date with her. If she's the way I think she is, she probably would rather go for the guy who'll treat her like crap. And if he isn't treating her like crap, she'll treat HIM like crap so he'll reciprocate.

See, I've dated crazy girls before. And you know what? I'm done with that. I can spot that kind of crap a mile away and I want NOTHING to do with it. I don't care how gorgeous she is (and I don't find Megan Fox to be all that gorgeous anyway). If she's crazy, I'm not interested. Been there, done that, got the scars and horror stories to prove it. Not interested.

I guess what pisses me off about girls like Megan Fox is not that they're attractive. I know plenty of attractive, wonderful women. I've even dated a few. No, what pisses me off is the sense of ENTITLEMENT that surrounds her. Like, "I'm pretty, so you have to put up with my bulls**t." Although even that is probably more a front for her own deep-seated insecurities about her looks. Regardless, that's a big bucket o' crazy that I want nothing to do with. You, my friend, are welcome to her. It's your funeral.
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