Medieval/Fantasy Armor Question- any SCA people help!


Sr Member
Is there a "technical" name for the flap that hangs down between the legs? Someone told me it was a tasset, but I thought those were on the sides covering the thighs? Here's a pic I got from Google of what I'm talking about:


Thanks in advance!
Well the pieces that hang from the waist over each leg are called tassets. I'm not sure if the piece between the legs has a different name.
I'd go with "tasset", but it's something you don't see often (if at all) in actual European armors. Think about it- do you really want a chunk of armor banging around right about there? :confused
I believe tasset would be the term to go with. I know in Japanese culture the armor around the legs is called the kusa-zuri and the part over the groin specifically is the mae-kusa-zuri.

There really isn't an exact match in European style armour to something of that design, my first inclination was to call it a fauld.