So I really really really want to soon (month or two) pick me up a Rocketeer Helmet. A good one. I love the kits but I have no skills at putting anything together - I mess up pancakes and syrup. I've seen some of the ones my brothers here do and good gosh they are beautiful - but, I've been looking for one now and I do an immediately pass on the junky warped beaded MR one and go next to the Medicom - so my first question is - has anyone here ever pulled out the bar inside that sucker? I like the way it looks and would go with it but if the bar MUST remain then the helmet will always be unwearable (why would they even put that bar in there in the first place?). So finheads - what say you - Kit? Medicom? I am ready to hear your wisdom.
"The rocka-who?"
"The rocka-who?"