Masudaya 24" Robby the Robot

Mr. Nagata

Sr Member
I LOVE THIS FIGURE!!!!!! I finished the kit up in a couple of days. Not a terribly difficult build, but the painting was a little challenging. A lot of the detail parts are molded into the figure, so it required some intricate masking. I have another one of these kits on ebay right now if anyone's interested:

I painted the whole thing Tamiya Gunmetal TS-38. The detail parts were all masked off and airbrushed with Tamiya acrylics. The really tiny details are brush painted.




For size comparison:
Robby looks great. Wonderful job on that. I wasn't thinking how big he was till I saw that can. He's a bigun'.

I have one of these, but have been typically lazy about painting it. Seeing the beautiful job you did on yours makes me want to break out my airbrush and masking tape and get busy.

Very inspiring; thanks for posting.
Man, that turned out beautiful! I've got one of the 16" Masudaya kits, but the dome's cracked.:cry

That's the best paintjob I've seen on one of these, looks just like he did in Forbidden Planet!

Beagle Bill
That looks great! I love this model and already saw your auction but there is just no way I could afford it.
Someday I will get one though!