Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

They also seemed to work on the disconnect with Coulsen you plant spies, attack the base, hurt our people, etc, etc. and never bothered to even try and call. Unfortunately there wasn't really a response from the other side.

I also agree that Bobbi's going to flip again. There were two guys who walked right off the plane with normal guns ****** and ready as well and no icer...

I'm thinking 'real shield' isn't really real shield. Seriously, as noted, you don't call or reach out, you spy, then just attack?
I thought Gemma taking down Bobbi was awesome! :lol

That was cool. I was thinking "Oh c'mon, the clueless scientist really?" and she surprised me. As soon as she started handing Bobbie things I started thinking she was playing the part.

I wonder what will happen with Skye's dad unless they kicked him out. They didn't seem to think he was equal in any way. Skye is one of them, her dad isn't so that may be interesting.

I'm still thinking that if things really start going worse Fury is going to show up. I don't know if the "real" SHIELD guys would listen to him though.
That was cool. I was thinking "Oh c'mon, the clueless scientist really?" and she surprised me. As soon as she started handing Bobbie things I started thinking she was playing the part.

I love the way they're writing her character. She's becoming less mousy and more proactive in her daily life. It's like the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. has awakened her inner badass.

Plus, Elizabeth Henstridge is just gorgeous, so there's that.

I wonder what will happen with Skye's dad unless they kicked him out. They didn't seem to think he was equal in any way. Skye is one of them, her dad isn't so that may be interesting.

You think the Inhumans didn't know about him already? He was romantically involved with their version of the Welcome Wagon, so they have already vetted him. Now he's directly involved with two new inhumans, both of which were exposed to the Terrigen Mists outside of their influence. Not something they really like.

I'm still thinking that if things really start going worse Fury is going to show up. I don't know if the "real" SHIELD guys would listen to him though.

Well something's got to happen either pre- or post-AoU...
I wonder if "Real SHIELD" will be, even in a small way, an inspirational factor for Stark's creation of Ultron. Wanting to take security out of the hands of supers seems like something they would encourage.

I'm still thinking that if things really start going worse Fury is going to show up. I don't know if the "real" SHIELD guys would listen to him though.

Well we know Fury will show up for the movie, which is pretty damn close now!:love Things sure are a mess at the moment... "Real SHIELD" doesn't know that Fury is alive. Last we heard the Avengers didn't know that Coulson is alive. Maria Hill knows that Coulson is alive but works for Stark(an Avenger). has she let that secret slip to her boss? As far as we know only half of the Avengers know Fury is alive.

It wouldn't be a stretch to imagine that some Avengers could be open to suggestions from Gonzales(EJO) and "Real SHIELD".
I do like how they're using the whole villianizing Fury aspect of the comics, even though after you see the long game, Fury is pretty much always right. I really do appreciate how they've taken the minor villain of Mr Hyde and made him such a fun character. Huge props to Kyle Maclachlan for really owning the role. And the fact that instead of creating continuity for convenience sake, they jumped on the opportunity since he actually was Quake's father (albiet mutant vs inhuman), as well as the previous episodes scene in the diner where he explains he experimented on himself chemically to get some degree of powers
I wonder if "Real SHIELD" will be, even in a small way, an inspirational factor for Stark's creation of Ultron. Wanting to take security out of the hands of supers seems like something they would encourage.

Well we know Fury will show up for the movie, which is pretty damn close now!:love Things sure are a mess at the moment... "Real SHIELD" doesn't know that Fury is alive. Last we heard the Avengers didn't know that Coulson is alive. Maria Hill knows that Coulson is alive but works for Stark(an Avenger). has she let that secret slip to her boss? As far as we know only half of the Avengers know Fury is alive.

It wouldn't be a stretch to imagine that some Avengers could be open to suggestions from Gonzales(EJO) and "Real SHIELD".

I get the impression that only the council didn't like fury. If he were to show up and say "this is the guy you should follow" while pointing at coulsen, that pretty much everyone would line up behind him.
So why is Fury still in hiding anyway? Who is he hiding from? He would be no more in danger from Hydra than the rest of these guys.

And why is Coulson's resurrection kept from the Avengers? Everybody else seems to know he is alive.
But were they lied to? He did die. Why would they be kept in the dark about him coming back? He was their friend. If your friend died and I knew he came back and you didn't know, wouldn't you want me to tell you? What is the point of not telling them? The invasion is over, it's not like they still need "the push".

Obviously Fury's "death" and comeback will be addressed in AoU, I would think surely he would tell them. Unless what he did is forbidden by Asgardian law or something. I really hope Coulson has a cameo in AoU. Do we know if he does or not?
Post Avengers was:

IM3, no shield involvement IIRC, fury alive, coulsen dead
Thor2, no shield, fury alive, coulsen back
CA2, shield still around, fury 'died', couslen back and promoted to director
GoTG, not even remotely close to earth

So, unless shield, or fury, or coulsen, or whomever was supposed to personally call each one and tell them they were in fact, now alive, they haven't been lied to yet.

Now, you WOULD think that as part of re-assembling shield that coulsen might place a call to one of them not named thor. And, who's to say he hasn't? Just because it wasn't on screen doesn't mean it didn't happen. Or, he could very well think that since they think he's dead - it's a joke or not him or hydra impersonating him, etc.

Personally, I do expect to be addressed in AoU at some point. Then again, none of them are listed on imdb as being in it either at this point.

As for Fury, there are but a handful of people who know he's still around. Seems they're all keeping their mouths shut on it as well. He'll announce he's still alive in AoS in the next couple weeks or in AoU and we go from there.

Still, to this point, there has been no lying to the avengers on screen yet. Hell, Sif knows coulsen's been back well over a year now. I'm guessing she's let thor in on it by now. I don't recall them telling her to keep it a secret.
Coulson asked Sif to say nothing to Thor because he wanted to tell him personally. Out of all the Avengers, Coulson seems to have the best rapport with Thor. Too much banter between him and Stark and Steve is more hero-worship than anything else. Natasha and Clint are too by-the-book to even consider questioning if Coulson's alive or not, and Banner's too off-the-grid to keep up.
Point of Information: They weren't lied to about Coulson dying. He did, in fact, die from Loki's scepter, and was dead for days before Fury brought him back.

Plus the fact that, since that time, they haven't been back together again so far as we know. Coulson was only alive again for a little while before S.H.I.E.L.D. fell apart and thereafter, he hasn't really been at liberty to announce anything to anyone.

I get the impression that only the council didn't like fury. If he were to show up and say "this is the guy you should follow" while pointing at coulsen, that pretty much everyone would line up behind him.

I'm kind of wondering if some part of this new SHIELD is actually Hydra. I'm thinking that Gonzales may be Hydra. He was the only one left alive in the room so it would be a good place to leave a plant for SHIELD to find. It would also be an excellent plan to draw in and mop up any remaining SHIELD agents.
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