Marvel Black Panther costume

Ah that's a great cape!

I'm really excited to see this build completed.

Are you buying the cowl that you posted above or are you making your own?
i have been researching batman panther suits for the main suit part. does anyone have any good links for purchasing one or a similar type muscle hero latex suit?
I would be careful ordering from 4th Wall. I paid them for some Scarlet Spider accessories which never arrived, was promised a refund which never happened then they blocked me from Facebook as I was complaining on their wall. Apparently some people get their orders but reading through their page, a lot of people are left hanging.
Hi Allan,

Laban here (4thwall)

I'm not wasting time debating how unhappy you are with the service you received.

I'm also never going to try and dodge criticism, we sent you TWO sets of Scarlet spider accessories, without any tracking (as you didn't pay for tracking).

despite not having to refund you, I offered you both a refund AND said you can keep the items should they ever arrive, I sent you money from my personal paypal account, and you have never accepted it.

If you would like to click accept, the money is there, waiting for you to accept it. (Please message me if there's any issue)

We also have a number of people currently u nhapy that we had some major issues towards the end of last year, and are still playing catchup from a number of helmet orders, that did have a knock on effect with other items.

We're actually AHEAD of schedul on all eye masks, and current latex orders, so rest assured raizer04 anyone sent to us for BPanther cowls will not be left waiting.

also, I've had some people ask about other accesories for BPanther......mind if i link them to those awesome looking files?

Peace and love people.....:)

I'm not arguing on someone elses thread. Just checked. No refund, no product received oh and still blocked on FB. Thats great service.
Hi Allan,

Laban here (4thwall)

I'm not wasting time debating how unhappy you are with the service you received.

I'm also never going to try and dodge criticism, we sent you TWO sets of Scarlet spider accessories, without any tracking (as you didn't pay for tracking).

despite not having to refund you, I offered you both a refund AND said you can keep the items should they ever arrive, I sent you money from my personal paypal account, and you have never accepted it.

If you would like to click accept, the money is there, waiting for you to accept it. (Please message me if there's any issue)

We also have a number of people currently u nhapy that we had some major issues towards the end of last year, and are still playing catchup from a number of helmet orders, that did have a knock on effect with other items.

We're actually AHEAD of schedul on all eye masks, and current latex orders, so rest assured raizer04 anyone sent to us for BPanther cowls will not be left waiting.

also, I've had some people ask about other accesories for BPanther......mind if i link them to those awesome looking files?

Peace and love people.....:)


sure i dont mind....its simply the pic not the stl though. as for the issue at hand....i read all on facebook how you all are playing catchup, and as long as i receive my order on time i will give a good review :)
Both objects (spear/panther spear end) have been completed on the design phase and is simply printing now. While that is going, I need to get a grasp on the main portion of this costume. Can anyone point me in the direction of a REALLY good latex tutorial or good quality batman suits with no logos?
So I am looking at Untitled Document for their body armor, awaiting confirmation on some things before I decide on the main portion of the latex armor for the Black Panther. What do you guys think? Xtremedesignfx looks like the cheapest/best quality latex that I could find.
The spear tip has been 3d printed. A bit flimsy, yet it should get sturdier once primed and painted: IMG_20140307_162327_906.jpg
Tested the screw portion on a simple broomstick and it fit perfectly!

Here is the original spear that it got fashioned from marvel-black-panther-premium-format-figure-1-front-4.jpg

I will have to reprint the panther head, have to do some tweaking on that.
Did you ever receive your order? I'm over a year waiting on my Ant Man helm, not sure what to do.
Did you ever receive your order? I'm over a year waiting on my Ant Man helm, not sure what to do.

Its funny you said that....i messaged them on facebook, messaged them here, and sent an email and I am having a problem getting a status update on my order.......
Hi Allan,

Laban here (4thwall)

I'm not wasting time debating how unhappy you are with the service you received.

I'm also never going to try and dodge criticism, we sent you TWO sets of Scarlet spider accessories, without any tracking (as you didn't pay for tracking).

despite not having to refund you, I offered you both a refund AND said you can keep the items should they ever arrive, I sent you money from my personal paypal account, and you have never accepted it.

If you would like to click accept, the money is there, waiting for you to accept it. (Please message me if there's any issue)

We also have a number of people currently u nhapy that we had some major issues towards the end of last year, and are still playing catchup from a number of helmet orders, that did have a knock on effect with other items.

We're actually AHEAD of schedul on all eye masks, and current latex orders, so rest assured raizer04 anyone sent to us for BPanther cowls will not be left waiting.

also, I've had some people ask about other accesories for BPanther......mind if i link them to those awesome looking files?

Peace and love people.....:)


Laban care to elaborate on my mask status, because I have sent numerous emails/messages and no one is answering me....
If the spear head is flimsy, prim and paint won't strengthen it. You should probably mold and cast it to make it stronger. Plus if it ever breaks you can cast another since you will already have the mold.
Well im not one for games, a paypal dispute has been opened with 4thwall since they fail to communicate the status of my order. If any admins read this please be advised that 4thwall is late on numerous individuals items for their replica/costume services and I suggest others not to utilize their services. I will be sure to keep everyone posted on it as well. On another note I found another individual willing to take a commission on making a black panther latex mask, once my refund is received I will go with this person as well. I will keep you all posted.BPLatex.jpg
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well, I guess my comment about no delays on Black panther's kinda bit me on the ass.

Your order is complete and i will have the tracking number for you once i am back in the studio tomorrow.....

there;s no point trying to explain the cause for the delay here, as by now im sure it'll be brushed off as a pointless story or untrue (but there IS a very serious reason whether people want to believ it or not)

I can only assure you you'll have your tracking number tomorrow - assuming you don;t want the items, you can return them for a full refund.

For the record, i also have FOUR Ant-man helmet orders shipping out, which have been MASSIVELY DELAYED - I never disagreed with helmet orders still being backed up, and i am attempting to apologise for those delays by adding additional items such as belts in for free.


hate me as much as you want..You never ccepted my refund before...and if you will please contact me with your preferred paypal address I will happily refund you - but let me make this VERY clear.

I will accept any and all critisicm of my customer service over the last few months, but if you continue to claim i am scamming people i will seek legal action against you for libel / slander - a scam takes money with no intention of ever sending items.....I HAVE had several long delays, and one way or another I am rectifying them as quickly as I can. but I have never and will never be a scammer.

do not contunie to spread lies about me, you have been offered your money back on more than one occasion despite me having sent items (tracking number mixup notwithstanding) and if you e-mail me I will still send you another refund offer as i clearly offered peviously in this thread.

my words carry no weight at the moment, I'm aware of that, all I can do is act on them which i am doing.
You have my email, I just sent it to you. You had it to begin with, I sent you money from the same email. I've never had anything from 4th Wall in my inbox. If you were any kind of professional, and really wanted to refund me, I would be refunded. Why dont you unblock me from your Facebook, send me a message, and ask "Where do you want your refund sent?"

Oh yeah, because you aren't professional whatsoever. You are in no position to threaten "legal action", what a joke. I know about 15 people seeking "legal action" against you. So.....again I'll wait. Check my Facebook and Emails for that refund you claimed to have been desperately trying to get to me.

Lets see how long this lasts and what excuse you'll have if it doesn't occur. BTW There are people that haven't received products for over a year from you, what kind of delay is that?

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