Mal's Firefly pistol scratch build.


New Member
Hello everyone! I'm new to the boards here, and I figure the best way to introduce myself is with a progress thread on my newest project, Mal's pistol. I picked up the Abbyshot browncoat at a show last weekend, and now I want the pistol to go with it. This wil be my third scratch built pistol, my other two being the Mass Effect M-4 Shuriken and Captian Rex's pistols from Clone Wars.

I'm building the pistol around a cap gun I have. It's going to be mostly made of sintra. So far I've printed out a scale picture and started building cardboard templates of the parts.

I'm looking forward to seeing your progress.

I haven't been around here very long either, and have only posted a few items I've done in the past. Most of my projects have been working with cardboard stock. Sintra hadn't been around when I started this hobby, so I'm looking with interest in your developments.
Well, I got a lot more of this done today than I expected! I've finished the construction of the main body and the rough detailing on one side (although it's hard to see in the picture). I was also able to make a removable ammo clip.

If you search, there used to be a thread on some other scratchbuilds (it had been on my dockett for awhile, before I moved on to something else). Might help. Looking forward to seeing your progress!
sweeeet! Be sure to leave some slots near the back so you can hear the caps going off. This is going to be cool!
Unfortunately the cap gun hasn't worked in a long time. I'm trying to figure out how to get it working again, but it might not happen.

I didn't get as much done on this today. I've finished the forward section structure and started work on the second side detailing. I did too much fiddling with one of the side panels and ended up wrecking it, so I'll have to make a new one tomorrow. No pictures today, since it still looks pretty much the same.
I am happy to report that this project is very much not dead. It's been delayed while waiting for a machined aluminum barrel, which arrived today! This afternoon I installed the new barrel, as well as the new side panels and the forward detailing. I even found some thumbscrews in a box of old computer parts that worked great on the front. I even gave it a first coat of rub'n'buf. I just need to finish the wood grip and give it a proper paint job.

It's a long way from perfect. I've made a few mistakes, the lines definitely aren't as clean as they could be, and the detailing isn't quite accurate. Considering I've spent pretty much nothing on this project though, it's more than good enough for me. I've decided that at some point I'm going to order a nice replica to be my "hero" pistol, so this is going to be my "stunt version".
I picked up an airbrush today and had way too much fun painting and weathering the gun. I basically gave it several coats of a mix of green, blue-grey and copper, then gave it a black wash and copper highlights to bring out the detailing. I'm pretty happy with the result!

Yeah, it's definitely rough on the edges. Come from being hand carved with a dremel. I'm still doing some clean up on it. but it will never be perfect.
That's pretty good. I agree that it is a little rough looking. A real gun is about sharp edges and a nice aesthetic. I think with a little sanding of the flat surfaces and sharpening some of the lines, that you may end up with a better result.

A thought could be to use the dremel to make the basic shape and then go in and shape and refine with sandpaper for the finishing touches, to get that sharp, smooth finish.
why it may be a little rough around the edges, I LOVE this kind of project.

Granted, if you were shooting for a screen-accurate replica, it falls a little short. But for general costume play, it looks fantastic...more accurate than some of the bootleg resin kits I've seen. And if it takes a few spills and gets a few nicks and dents along the way, no problem -- you can patch it back up.

looks like a lot of time and love went into this -- great job and thanks for sharing pics.
Hey, welcome to the RPF! Yep, TMG is correct, some sand paper of varying grits, and even some nice sharp wood carving tools can help you smooth out those rough edges and give it a little more of a professional polish. But it's not a bad scratch build at all. You certainly have some skills!
That looks awesome!:thumbsup Also do you still have the link for the scale pictures?

I posted some on the site a coulple years ago. It doesn't have the barrel, but it's pretty easy to figure out without it. PM if you can't find them over there.