Making a Part help

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Well-Known Member
I emailed doody and am waiting for his reply on the action suit torso identical to the one on batman begins. Does anyone know of a place or where to find the original prop used in the movie as I'm trying to create the original nomex survival suit. Also to make parts such as a fiberglass torso or shape I have this set up...Correct me if I'm wrong-

Shape foam on a stand cover with clay and sculpt
latex then fiberglass? Just how does this work... Im trying to create custom parts or pieces from BB or TDK in fiberglass or latex.

Also anyone know of a software I can use to create this prototype and show you all the basic idea Im going for...It's easier and I just need to find the correct software.

Soon Ill be showing a real armored TDK/BB torso with armor/electronics video being shot by various rounds.
Memory cloth Cape in action
And armor samples being tested along with many other ideas being accomplished.

I promise to get pics/schematics/info to prove the actualality of it all but I need to get an update from doody and need to do somethings on my own which will make this a long time consuming project-If everyone could donate $5 or so after I show the proto and sample armor being shot better then dragon skin... we could reach $2000 or so making things like memory cloth and ironman torso armor w/electronics possible...Or you could donate your work/time- but if not please stay tuned as I am trying to get this REAL/Exciting project out there.
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