Making a coin


New Member
Hi All.

I need some advice on how to best / most easily / most economically make a 5 inch reporduction (probably in brass) of this 3 inch coin:

Jumbo Chinese Coin 3 Inch - Todd Plaster, Magic Trick, $40.00, The Magic Warehouse

The gold areas, Chinese lettering is raised. The black areas are nice and flat / smooth.

I suppose the proper way to do it is to try to fashion one out of wax and do a casting, but this seems technically beyond my capabilities. I have no idea how I'd make raised wax lettering and still keep the background flat (and not carved out-looking). I'd also end up having to take it to someone with a kiln.

I have the 3 inch version-- do you think I can take it somewhere that can economically make a 5 inch re-creation?

thanks in advance,

- Frank
Hey, my company could happily make you one of these using a CAD/CAM system. We could either do it in metal, or plastics and if you're interested we could make multiples. Email me your specifications and your budget.
The 4 in coins didn't work out unfortunately (there's a particular magic routine I'm working on, where you pull a silk through the middle of the coin and the hole needs to be big enough). Unfortunately, Chinatown and none of the feng shui coins online really work well (or they look funny and don't match the smaller coins I'm working with).

It probably should be metal. The coin is used as a (suddenly appearing) production item at the end of a magic routine, so it's more impressive if you can drop the produced coin on a table with a loud 'thud'; people know it doesn't fold up or anything and is quite solid. It doesn't need to be brass, I suppose, but the metal should be yellowish, so brass seems logical.

Steven, I may take you up on that offer; I'll e-mail you.

- Frank