Lunar Models For Sale


Well-Known Member
Well, it's official. Randy Jarrett wants to get out of the Lunar Models business (to pursue other adventures) and wants the business sold by the end of the year!! Soooooo, due to the rush, he's offering a deal. You get all the equipment (vacuforming machines, pressure pots, etc.), about 150 original sculpts (a super value in and of themselves, and this number doesn't include the dinosaurs), other inventory (resin, tools, etc.), the web site, licensing, name/trademark, non-compete agreement, accounts receivable, etc. - you know, the entire Lunar Models business - for a great price. The business has grossed an average of approximately $40,000.00/yr. over the past 3 years (the last two being slower due to the addition in the family) and he'll be willing to talk about an fast-cash, all-cash sale in that price range.

Feel free to send this out to all the message boards, your model contacts in the hobby, etc. and let's help Randy get the business sold. Hopefully someone will step up and continue Lunar's good name, reputation, and products for light years to come.

Randy can be reached directly at Lunar Models at 650-563-9044 or at Don't wait, spread the word!! Or maybe you've been looking to make a career move . . . ?
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Hey man, this has gotta go in the junkyard or else you're gonna get lots of flak from folks around here, Peace,

Dave :)