Luke Holiday Special Lightsaber?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

Im looking to making one of these for my Luke costume. I dont know why but I kinda like the look of this thing.

I know it was made from a Graflite 3 cell flash. What kinda of reference pics are out there of this thing?

I know it was used in the photoshoot that was done for the re-release of ANH in 1978.

Anyone have any clear screen caps of the Holiday special?


I'd like some info on this one too since I've got a graflite lying around. I haven't found any usable photos beyond those at partsofsw.
i remember seeing something on this last year, it's a part that was used in the cockpit of the x wings if i remember rightly called a graflite.

found, look in partsof

no mention of the cockpit link, but it's there under lightsabers
You know, every time I look at that control box I think about those saftey switches used on big power tools, like table saw or a radial arm saw-- the kind with a hinged cover that exposes the power on/off toggle under it. The control box always looks like it has a hinge pin on the grip side, and a cover that opens up.
Originally posted by Luuke@Mar 27 2006, 11:15 AM
Those top diagrams look familiar ;)
Still waiting on more details about that activation box. :)

BTW, I'll take those two pics down if you like. Just PM me and let me know.

i seem to remember the blade top part on the graflite in the ref pics was determined to be a


Look at the pics again...curt :)

Originally posted by PropReplicator+Mar 27 2006, 10:39 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PropReplicator @ Mar 27 2006, 10:39 PM)</div>
@Mar 27 2006, 11:15 AM
Those top diagrams look familiar ;)
Still waiting on more details about that activation box. :)

BTW, I'll take those two pics down if you like. Just PM me and let me know.
