Luke ESB circuit board


New Member
Hello everyone, I recently got a Luke ESB saber and am wondering if the circuit board is the correct color. The 13 metal strips are silver and I alway thougt they were copper. Can anyone verify what the circuit board should be?

edit: merged...
Hello everyone, I recently got a Luke ESB saber and am wondering if the circuit board is the correct color. The 13 metal strips are silver and I always thought they were copper. Can anyone verify what the circuit board should be?
Most of the pics of the circut board from ESB show a white or green board with gold strips topped with silver.
Yours seems to be missing the gold.

The Luke ROTJ is the copper one...yours looks good except the large part of the metal is gold...

Here's mine.

Yes, his new one is what I have in my saber above...that's the ticket Laddie... ;)
Thanks for your help I was thinking of ordering one from blast-tech but wanted to make sure it was different from what I already had.
It looks alot like the circuit bord from a sega genesis or NES cartige game. cut down alittle. (Ohh neat idea for makeing one HAHA)
Originally posted by cyrax037@Jan 20 2006, 08:24 PM
It looks alot like the circuit bord from a sega genesis or NES cartige game. cut down alittle. (Ohh neat idea for makeing one HAHA)

I looked at one of my genesis games and it look exactly like the board from them. I bet that is what it is. Some sort of cartrige game circuit board.
Quoted from Parts of SW:

The mounting clamp in the middle of the flash is what attached it to the camera. Slid into this clamp is a section of an old HP-44 bus type computer card edge connector. It was cut down to 2" long leaving 13 gold connectors that taper down to thin silver lines. Shown below is an example of the type of computer card used. Some of the lightsabers had the wide gold connector side towards the clamp lever, while others had the thin silver lines that way.

Originally posted by franz bolo@Jan 19 2006, 11:16 PM
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Originally posted by cyrax037+Jan 23 2006, 03:07 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(cyrax037 @ Jan 23 2006, 03:07 AM)</div>
@Jan 20 2006, 08:24 PM
It looks alot like the circuit bord from a sega genesis or NES cartige game. cut down alittle. (Ohh neat idea for makeing one HAHA)

I looked at one of my genesis games and it look exactly like the board from them. I bet that is what it is. Some sort of cartrige game circuit board.

The "newer" connectors had around 22 lines per inch....thus the "NES" cartriges are way off. :unsure

Hey jrschmid,
I've got an extra one you can have if you want it. Just PM me.

Originally posted by jrschmd@Jan 23 2006, 10:35 PM
Thanks again to all of you for yoru help. I've found one I'm happy with and it looks great.