Luke ANH saber showoff


Sr Member
Just a small showoff of my all original graflex saber! lmk what you think.:$

I'm still missing a dring, so if anyone has a extra PM me.:love

I got the case off ebay, it's really amazing in person, and the plaque and stand from our very own Pastor Jedi!:love
Actually just finishing mine up; I'm adding something special.

Here's what I have right now; 100% all real parts.




nice saber! wish I had a good cam. :(
what kind of bubbles do you have? I have some of rebel scums and they are awesome.

edit: what are you using for the stands on the board?
Looking pretty good. Did you receive my rod and lever yet?

Send you a PM regarding the D-Ring which I had developed last year.

Sweet. :)

I´m no lightsaber-guy ..... but one fine day i have to build one for me, it´s one of the things a man should have been done in his life. :D
Looking pretty good. Did you receive my rod and lever yet?

Send you a PM regarding the D-Ring which I had developed last year.


Yes I did and thank you. I finally found out how to tighten them for rebelscums bubbles after going through 2 levers. I put the graflex together, and held the clamp down while tightening. :)
as far as my case goes, its not a MR. It's a custom case I got off ebay.
I still go yardsailing in hopes of nabbing another Graflex.

One of the greatest discoveries, in my opinion, was the graflex as the base for Luke's saber. Also, probably one of the biggest pain in the ass things to happen to the photo Though, I am sure they made a bit of money from our hobby :)

As Orange Blend said, I love graflex threads!

Also, probably one of the biggest pain in the ass things to happen to the photo Though, I am sure they made a bit of money from our hobby :)

I bet. I actually heard a story about a seller on Ebay who will check people's purchase history to see if they buy Star Wars stuff, and if they do, they'll refuse to sell them Graflex flash guns. There's also a site which declares that "thousands of these beautiful pieces of art-deco style art have been destroyed to make Star Wars toys for overgrown children." Yeah, vintage camera collectors definitely hate us. And honestly, I don't care.
Actually for me the discovery of the graflex flash being Luke's lightsaber (I've got several flashguns now) made me also
into a collector of a Crown Graphic Special :


and a Speed Graphic Camera with Aero Ektar 178mm lens :


My Speed Aero Combo (lens is from A.D. 1944) :


And this is a 4x5 portrait of me made with the Speed Aero Combo :


And an original vintage graflex tripod with metal pan-and-tilt head is on it's way to me as we speak.

So you see being a huge Star Wars collector can also turn one into an enthousiast vintage photographer :lol

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I have a couple of speed graphics. The funny thing is around 1996 I started my local hunt and found quite a few at camera booths in antique stores and camera shops...each one said the same thing... they were old obsolete junk but they looked cool or something to that effect. They used to throw them out and I got my first mint graflex for $40 and they guy though he was taking advantage of me so he threw 2 Heiland 3 cells intoo( at the time we all thought that was correct for Vader). I found another the next week and paid$10 for it. NO one in the camera worl cared until WE showed an interest. I used to help friends find them all the time. NOw I'm down to first one that I found that day for $40.