LUCKY SCORE!!! Obi-Wan ANH Sink Knobs!!! UPDATE 8/28 for JY

Re: LUCKY SCORE!!! Obi-Wan ANH Sink Knobs!!!

What a story! Congratulations Roman, good for you. So you almost threw two away?! I guess that means you will pass these two on for free to some of us ;)
Great find!
Re: LUCKY SCORE!!! Obi-Wan ANH Sink Knobs!!!

More Amber cubes! I have my four just sitting around. Group chroming project seems like a good idea.
Re: LUCKY SCORE!!! Obi-Wan ANH Sink Knobs!!!

I finally got lucky!! ... This is the first time I really feel like I got lucky with a prop hunt!!! Thank the Maker!!

GREAT SCORE! Always an awesome feeling when you hold the original parts / greeblies the original designers had in hand. :)
Re: LUCKY SCORE!!! Obi-Wan ANH Sink Knobs!!!

Sooo ... I learn something new every once in a while about these OB1 parts ... never seen the amber variation only chromed plastic ones, of which I have 3 with a designated 'C' for Chaim :)

Re: LUCKY SCORE!!! Obi-Wan ANH Sink Knobs!!!

Nice find, congratulations Roman. Have you found any differences in the knobs? Are we going to learn something new about the Obi saber?
Re: LUCKY SCORE!!! Obi-Wan ANH Sink Knobs!!!

Nice find, congratulations Roman. Have you found any differences in the knobs? Are we going to learn something new about the Obi saber?

No differences as far as the cubes, cap, and inner sleeve.

The only thing is the plug with H & C. Some are plastic others are metal. Otherwise, all details are exactly the same. :thumbsup
Re: LUCKY SCORE!!! Obi-Wan ANH Sink Knobs!!!

I did pick up some modern ones that are this color/material. Wrong caps too, but they're good to have. I'll be watching how this chroming goes, I was originally going to wrap it in Mylar or something.

and Kyle hit it on the head.
These will be for sale in the PROJECTS section of Classifieds later today if anyone is interested :thumbsup

They won't be in the Junk Yard because they are still getting chromed.
Just bumping this up to ask a question.

Ive never seen the orange handles until this week - was there a reason that AS made them? Also, with regards to the larger tub handles - do they come with caps with just the letter c and h on them-and not the Armitage Shanks name underneath?
They're meant to be gold/amber... to go with gold colored metal trim and hardware in bathrooms.
