Lots of vintage Star Wars photo's

I'd actualy pay someone to put them all on a disc.

great pics. I have been a freind on FB of this group but had forgotten. thanks for the post.
There was a disc floating around with all these photos in high rez. If anyone has a copy please let me know. I’m sure I have something equally as cool to trade for it.

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Awesome. I nice trip down memory lane and then some. I love puting together the cut scenes from stills and photos.

Thank you,
Funny there's a photo of me in my Vader costume that I photoshopped. I see at least two other people's costume photos there, along with a photo that Darth Jones took that also isn't vintage...

So who made this? They are basically taking everything an anything from every website that has hosted photos, including from personal websites and forums.
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Funny there's a photo of me in my Vader costume that I photoshopped. I see at least two other people's costume photos there, along with a photo that Darth Jones took that also isn't vintage...

So who made this? They are basically taking everything an anything from every website that has hosted photos, including from personal websites and forums.

I think it was started by one person (who had the original group of pics on Flickr which had been C&D'ed by LFL).
As an open group on Facebook now anyone can post pics so you get some that don't belong.
You should report the pics that aren't authentic vintage to the Admin Darryl (link on the side).
I was flippin through those like, seen it... seen it... seen it...

Two slave leias...


That one I haven't seen!

I'm such a nerd to know all those other rare pics but not the one with the hot bikini clad chicks! YIKES! LOL! :lol

Yeah there are some photo chops in there, but a motley crue of rare real pics as well.
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Thanks for sharing the pics.

I didn't know that Han had a girlfriend that was cut from the Cantina scene in ANH.
Funny there's a photo of me in my Vader costume that I photoshopped. I see at least two other people's costume photos there, along with a photo that Darth Jones took that also isn't vintage...

So who made this? They are basically taking everything an anything from every website that has hosted photos, including from personal websites and forums.

Some original shots form my site are there too but the poster has cropped out the watermark which is pretty ignorant!

I can see why some people decide to place watermarks right through the centre of an image to stop this kind of thing happening.

