LOTR Haldirs' elven archer build.

thanks , guys...

here is the test pull of the chest armor............it will always let you know any problems and cleans out any junk in the mold left over from molding.......like clay and other crap.....and where to look for airbubbles in your casting.

and here is the shoulder armor , almost ready for detail work....
:love This is just beautiful. The leather work is just mind blowing and outstanding. This whole build is really. Can't wait to see it all finished.
I'll have to post some progress of the armor skirts here as well. I'll do that when I get home.

Great work. It is really starting to look like it will come together by Dcon.
update, the chest molds are done , first set trimmed along with the helmet. hope to have the helmet and the shoulder armor molded this week.



chest armor and gauntlets trimmed....

and the glamorous life of a prop builder.....
This is AMAZING. I really admire your sculpting skills, what you have so far looks flawless. Hopefully you'll open up a sell thread on some armor pieces, hehe...

Are you the same MrBungle who made that ODST on the 405th a couple years back?
omg this is so beautiful ! I'm a lotr fan and i have always loved the elven look, especially haldir !

fantastic job, thanks for sharing it with us.
thanks, guys....

first helmet out of the mold...so many under cuts i cracked it getting it out of the mold...:( no worries.. small crack...

but doing some cold casting on these..... powder your molds first then cold cast makes a world of difference, hope to have some pretty trimmed and polished armor to show off next week...

cold cast test......polished up, i think we have a winner. i powdered my molds lightly then cold cast the brass powder with oynx...then backed with fiberglass.

looks like we have a color match for the screen used stuff. now just have to clear coat it.
thanks, man. i am still sculpting the hip armor , scabbard, and quiver...

we hope we will have to whole outfit done in the next couple of months. john is doing the leather and clothing.......
reject helmet .....cold casting test.......i can make it more brassy and brighter......by dusting the crap out of the molds before casting...

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