LOTR Haldirs' elven archer build.

thanks, guys. slowly making progress on this........we have the leather patterns for the under vest.
the chest and helmet is now out of the transfer molds and cleaned up ad almost ready for molds.

the shoulder and skirt armor is coming along. will post update pics soon.
here are the gauntlets fresh out of the transfermolds...now to clean them up and remold them.

Some of my favorite armor from the films! And you're doing a fine job of replicating it. I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished set.
Awesome work. Can you post more pics of the molding process?? How is the process after the clay model?
What kind of materials do you use?
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huge thanks, guys!!

this is going super slow right....evey thing is getting in the way of making the armor LOL!!...but hope to get back on in the next week or two..

so stay tuned...

gauntlets done with paint test.......the paint was giving me issues with weather but i think this might work...... hope to post the shoulder armor update tonight...

here is the leather for chest armor done by my friend john palmeri
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