"Lost" paper props?


Sr Member
Kind of missed the boat on this one.... :$:lol

Having missed one or two episoded of "Lost" early on in Season 1 I never really got into it and didn't watch any of it. However, NOW I'm starting right back from the beginning of Season 1 and going through the whole thing in order without missing any episodes. I love it.

So..... What paper props are available for Lost? I've done a search on here, but most seem to have broken links or missing pictures. I know that the figures came with different paper props. The best seems to be the map of the island. Did anyone try spraying it with dull coat to try to make it more realistic?

To try to gather some together (and show I'm not a total slacker :lol), here's some of the paper props I've found by searching the thread titles:

Sawyer's envelope: http://www.spawn.com/features/lost2/images/sawyers.envelope.pdf

Jin's translation letter: http://www.spawn.com/features/lost2/images/extra.translation.page.pdf
Hurley's lottery ticket.

Kate's wanted poster/letter (don't remember exactly what it was)
Sorry, probably wasn't clear. I know that there are lots of paper props in the series that can be made (such as the ones you mentioned), but does anyone know where to get hold of them (i.e. can anyone post URL's or images)? :)
Oh. I don't know that, sorry. :redface

I know the McFarlane figure of Hugo came with a prop of the lottery ticket.
Here's some that I've found. I have about 30+ different labels that I have found on the net, if you want a list, just pm me.:lol
Is there any picture out there with the "Plane Boarding Member List" from the Oceanic Flight 815?