Looking to make wolverine claws, any tips?


Sr Member
Can someone give me a few pointers on making my own set of wolverine claws? Perhaps a drawing of the correct shape/size? I havn't decided what i'll be making these out of yet but i'd like some input. thanks

EDIT: Can someone post a higher res pic of the following? I believe it's a screen cap from the movie but I dont' have the DVD with me and won't have it till summer when I get home.

This is one of the projects on my "to do" list. I plan to make them out of laminated stryrene (with a steel rib inside) like I did on a replica Spartan sword.

No progress beyond the Think' Stage...
One can easily exract a blueprint from Mike's photo in the above link. Just make one set for yourself and don't make any for sale, and I think it will be ok...
Here's one that I found awhile back...

If the original owner of this would not like it posted, please PM me and I'll remove it. I can't make out the "signature" on the bottom.

I think that pattern is Wolf Morgan's...I don't think he's a member anymore.
Originally posted by Noeland@Feb 17 2006, 08:54 PM
<div class='quotetop'>
Looking to make wolverine claws, any tips?

YES, there should be three of them. Sharp, pointy kind. :confused

I'm sorry, bad joke.

Here are a couple things I found while googling.



<div align="right">[snapback]1187094[/snapback]</div>
Yuck, those are terribly off, the ones I'm finishing up are much better, those look too off.
They should be apprx 9.8 inches long, and 8 mm thick. Thats if your going for an X1 version, as I did/am. Those are taken directly off a scanning one of the claws from a screen used set. 1 of 8, this pair being the ones in the wolverine/sabertooth fight in the beginning.