Looking for modeler to build an Enterprise for me in exchange for luke roj lightsaber

Anakin Starkiller

Master Member
Hi guys,

So, a little while back, after seeing some really amazing pics of the mini Enterrpise A filming model. I picked up an AMT Smoothie Enterprise kit, with the hopes of building it into an exact replica of the Enterprise A filming miniature model that was auctioned off at Christies recently. However, it seems that it is one of those projectes that I might never get around to doing. So, I thought that I might see if someone hear would be interested in building up my model for me, and in return I would trade, for the work, one of my super accurate Luke ROTJ lightsabers fully built by me (a value of over $200.00). I am looking for someone with a fair bit of experience and a great deal of talent. The goal of this project would be a very detailed recreation of the model shown below, with all the specific idiocyncracies and blemishes.




I would want allen screw, and loose wires and all. If anyone is interested in working on this project. Drop me a line at ddstokes@aol.com or PM me hear.


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Re: Looking for modeler to build an Enterprise for me in exchange for luke roj lights

I don't know how small that A Enterprise is but you should really concider getting the full lit Bandai japanese kit, it looks very close to the photo you posted, comes fully prepainted with amazing aztec pattern and all, I'm not even a Star Trek Fan but had to get it, incredibily well detailed ship and no glue required, the lighting effect is amazing. Check it out

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Re: Looking for modeler to build an Enterprise for me in exchange for luke roj lights

Thanks for the info. But the reason why I wanted to build an AMT into this model is because this actual filming miniature was made from an AMT kit, so it would be an exact replica.


Re: Looking for modeler to build an Enterprise for me in exchange for luke roj lights

This is a tough build, $200 is real low for what you ask...sorry. This build up I would charge for what you are aking around $850.

Re: Looking for modeler to build an Enterprise for me in exchange for luke roj lights

**In best Rip Torn voice**

If you can build a PL, you can build an AMT!!!!!

PM sent
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