Looking for Graflex flashguns

Pastor Jedi

Well-Known Member
Does anyone know of someone who has access to or makes any Luke ANH flashguns tubes? It doesn't have to say Graflex on it, or have all the parts? Was there once a guy named "Biskit" who made them?
Does anyone know of someone who has access to or makes any Luke ANH flashguns tubes? It doesn't have to say Graflex on it, or have all the parts? Was there once a guy named "Biskit" who made them?
Yes biskit once made them, alongside larbel.
now it seems that parks only makes them...
Does anyone know of someone who has access to or makes any Luke ANH flashguns tubes? It doesn't have to say Graflex on it, or have all the parts? Was there once a guy named "Biskit" who made them?

Unfortunately Parks is the only one I know of offhand now.

Look up the story about this guy before you buy.

Are you buying a lot of graflexes on ebay?

Your username looks familiar.
Yeah, the only supplier I am aware of is Parks - although they do not actually make them as such, as the tubes are produced in the far east IIRC..?