Logan's Run flame gun...


Sr Member
Has anyone here bought the flame gun from Monsters in Motion?
It looks pretty nice and is priced pretty nicely.

I helped a friend of mine develop this kit of the sandman gun. It can be built as either the movie or TV version. It also has room for electronics. I have done 4 build ups for him with an LED in the barrel.


I just finished a custum gun for myself with the life clock crystal in the grip. The crystals light up when the gun is armed.

Yes life clocks are in the palm of the hand. Like I said, this is a custom sandman gun. I wanted to do something different with it to set it apart from all the others.
If you want an in-expensive solid one that, with a little work, can make an excellent replica, try Wilco Models.

This is from one of his kits. I hollowed out the front barrel (his are solid), added an emitter nozzle inside the flash suppressor, reduced the grip and frame by at least 3/16 of an inch side to side and front to back (he states his grips are cast oversized for a tight fit), added the missing 2 vents and 2 screws on the right side of the gun and replaced the rear knob to a slightly more accurate one.

but where is the small switch on the underside?
and the electric connection above the grip?

Still on my workbench. :lol

I had intentions of putting them on but ended up going with the fantasy look. How it would have been if it had been a real futuristic gun and not a prop. :cool
that's a fair comment, because if it had been a real weapon, I'm sure they would not have had to go to the trouble of making sure their toggle switch was 'on' before firing
I don't care for it at all. It's an odd cross between a TV and film version.
But, hey; if you got it cheap and fills in a spot on the shelf, rock-on!

Should you ever get the itch for a working piece, I'm on my final run.

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The red one is a lot like my old model the white one is not like mine at all.

At first look I thought it was a complete copy but at second look it does have a number of changes...

It has been a few years from the last run...

So it is not a recast. It maybe a reworking of one of my old models...
