Logan's Couch!

He didn't post an auction. He posted a link to an article about the couch. The article contained a link to an eBay listing -- one that's already ended.
August?! D'oh!

I'm not familiar with that site, but figured that the article was on the top page because it was recent news. :lol

I knew Rylo wouldn't post a live auction unless it was his own, of course, but figured the listing had ended not too long ago. I was amused because I thought the item had sold quickly, or for some reason been pulled quickly.

Mostly, though, I thought it was cool to see that this particular piece of furniture actually exists as a commercial item that could theoretically decorate any of our homes! :love

Thanks for clearing things up for me. :thumbsup
I thought you knew about that. :lol

They are very rare now a days!

God knows Logan had to get a new one what every 3 months!
Considering he had that, "insta-chick" system he probably never even invited them to sit down.

Thanks for comin' exit to the left...next!

I thought you knew about that. :lol

They are very rare now a days!

God knows Logan had to get a new one what every 3 months!
Of course, with his inconsiderate friend, Francis always dropping by tossing up freaky sex-fog grenades and ploppin' down on his ****

Well, judging from the apparent wear and tear in the photo, something happened on it. Frequently. :eek

The couch did get some wear during the party where they had the overly spicy cheese dip in "Logan's Runs".
You know he was the kinda friend who'd eat your last piece of pizza and play stupid about it...only revealing the evidence (crust) sticking out of the cushions when he gets up.

Yeah francis was the original ODB :D