Lich King Build

Thanks a lot for y the info , i am thinking to buy a filament extruder , that way The project is affodable . I know that The 3D model is not yours but i am wondering if you can share to me The files already sliced for 3D printing purpose . I tríed to do it my self but The slice function in netfab its only available in The pro version and license its too expensive .
. I tríed to do it my self but The slice function in netfab its only available in The pro version and license its too expensive .

That is not true. I use the basic NetFab to slice the models. The slicing function is on the lower right corner of the screen. Make sure to properly scale your model first, then slice it. I then export my slices and then import them into the Autodesk 3D print utility. It fixes all the errors and I increase the thickness by 3mm. Works just fine.
Awesome work! i miss this game but can't play MMOs anymore... lol I have a kid and a job and a wife and I like other things... like eating and sleeping... lmao
Awesome work! i miss this game but can't play MMOs anymore... lol I have a kid and a job and a wife and I like other things... like eating and sleeping... lmao

I also have a wife (no kids), 2 dogs, 18 years as a police officer and I also like other things. Like anything in life, it's about moderation. Balance family, gaming, projects and whatnot, and you still can enjoy all of your pleasures!

Thanks for the compliment! :D
Oh don't get me wrong, I'm still a gamer... I just play other games now lol... Wow ate a good year of my life before a realized how engrossed I was with it lol

sent from my Galaxy S3 usong tapatalk
Phenomenal build. And great use of the 3D printer.

Thanks man! I can't wait to get this done, but I'm not going to rush it just to get it to a certain Con (was hoping to have it for C2E2, but I just don't see that happening).
Without my 3D printer, I'd be lost!
I just stumbled on to this build, this is AMAZING. I cant wait to see it all done, Im still a WoW player every now and then, so seeing this is quite the treat. Killer build for sure. Man, I wish I had me a 3D printer!
I just stumbled on to this build, this is AMAZING. I cant wait to see it all done, Im still a WoW player every now and then, so seeing this is quite the treat. Killer build for sure. Man, I wish I had me a 3D printer!

Stop you guys, you're gonna make me blush! :$
But seriously, thanks for the compliments.

3D printers are the wave of the future, and they have a firm grasp in the realm of costuming. It allows those of us with lesser "hands on" skills make the things we wouldn't otherwise be able to do. Plus, you can't pass up on their accuracy and amazing level of detail.
Not a whole lot to update at this point. Just a lot of printing parts and gluing them together to form the massive chest piece. I've also been making a bunch of my own filament, which has been working out pretty great. The only problem has been minute pieces of metal from the extruder getting stuck in my hotend. The pieces are embedded in the filament, and they should pretty much stop appearing by now. This problem has also been solved (or will be in another day or so) because I have purchased a new extruder nozzle with a filter on it.

Other than that, it's print, sand, glue, print, sand, glue...... While I wait for parts to print, I'm working on properly sizing the shoulder pieces and slicing them in Netfabb.

Here's a few pics to hold you over. :D

New print head (hotend) has been installed and is working like a charm. If anyone is interested, it's the J-Head from HotEnds.

The things we'll do to glue pieces together. Looks like a piece of modern art!

My parts map for the chest. When I print a piece, I write the appropriate number on the inside of it. Some of them look very similar, so it's really important to label all the pieces.
You might think about only bothering yourself to make the front half of the breastplate. Otherwise, it'll be difficult to get on and off, it may be unnecessarily restrictive of your movement, and you're already going to have to come up with some kind of latch or harness system to attach it to your chest, and one part is easier to create a harness for than several parts. I tried making mine in two halves and thought I could use latches to join the sides and shoulders, but it just wasn't worth the effort IMO. I ended up dumping the back half since it was going to be pretty much completely covered by my cape anyway, and just used a leather strap with a buckle around the back.
You might think about only bothering yourself to make the front half of the breastplate. Otherwise, it'll be difficult to get on and off, it may be unnecessarily restrictive of your movement, and you're already going to have to come up with some kind of latch or harness system to attach it to your chest, and one part is easier to create a harness for than several parts. I tried making mine in two halves and thought I could use latches to join the sides and shoulders, but it just wasn't worth the effort IMO. I ended up dumping the back half since it was going to be pretty much completely covered by my cape anyway, and just used a leather strap with a buckle around the back.

Funny you say all of this, because these are the same issues and ideas I thought of! While I assemble the chest piece, I'm starting from the front and working to the back. I'm going to see how much of the back I can close up and still get into the piece.

I also thought about cutting it in half under each arm, but I have concerns about attaching the shoulders. How did you end up connecting the massive shoulder armor to the chest piece? Or, did you strap them directly onto your body (shoulders?) and then place the chest piece on and slide it underneath?
I bolted two heavy duty D rings to the inside edges of both pauldrons, connected a set of swivel hooks with adjustable nylon straps to mount to the rear set of D rings behind my neck. Then I used another set of swivel hooks to create another adjustable nylon strap connected to the frontmost rings, down over the shoulder, under the arm, around the back, and then back up over the other shoulder to the other front D ring.
Simply awesome!
I am repeatedly amazed by the enormous amount of talent on this website!
I played WoW for about 6 years, I remember clearly the first encounter with the Lich King Arthus, this is dead on! (pun intended).
Keep up the great work man!
I just read through this entire build just know and am totally blown away!!

Thoramyre couldn't have said it better... "Simply awesome! I am repeatedly amazed by the enormous amount of talent on this website!"

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