Liara T'Soni - Mass Effect 2 ( first attempt)


Well-Known Member
Thought id post these, even though im not entirely happy with the makeup.
I had hell of a time with the makeup i bought - Ben Nye magic liquid. It simply did not like my skin and started to flake off within an hour. tried it with a mix of liquiset and pax and it still came off.
Next time im using airbrush alcohol inks!

so yes there is some photoshop to these images, mainly to cover up the flaked of areas and where the makeup pulled away from the prosthetic.

Also, the dress - great fabric for texture, not so much for fit. Ive now recently found a spandex based fabric with a similar texture, so going to remake the gown in that, so it'l be more form fitting.

Head piece by the wonderful Satine - mdb- costumes




and just to show unedited makeup.....*shudder* ( taken about halfway through the day)


Ive also got photos of the headpiece itself after i'd painted it up- Cant thank Satine enough for such a wonderful sculpt. If you want to go Asari, get one of these beauties!
Holy fark. That is one of the best makeup jobs on here. You need to audition for the proposed Mass Effect film if it ever materialises! :D
awe thanks...but trust me the closeup shots were not good. I do believe though my next go at this will be far better and ill show closeups!
Wow, extremely well done! Your dedication to the hobby is really inspiring! And frigthening! I mean, you could be anything with that morphin power, I guess! But still more inspiring. And entertaining! Always a real pleasure to look at your project pics!
Zaxmon- yes the headpiece is latex.
Im so picky with my makeup, But at least in most photos the problems i knew was there didnt show. Im sure if someone had taken a high res shot they'd have captured the flaking makeup lol. Its just something that annoyed the hell out of me.
But thanks all for the compliments, it really means alot.
Very cool. I'm really amazed there aren't more Asari costumers out there as its a great chance for women to costume.
I'm sorry, Liara... I cheated on you with a whole bunch of my crewmates. :lol

Great job on the costume =)
there are a few around ;) Mostly on I have been really unhappy with photos of my costume so I haven't been sharing ;)

Love what you did with my headpiece :D I've already told you elsewhere how much i love the dappling :)
If it wasnt for you hun, id have been a odd looking Asari! I had to show off the stunning detail youd put into the sculpt, all those little scales..fantastic.
Wow, this is really incredible! I am playing this game right now and loving the costumes and while I don't have the skill to do an Asari, I thought it would be cool to do. This is really gorgeous and great to see this!
I just got the art book for Mass Effect (not much time for console game play :( ), and when I came to the concept art of Liara, and since it´s been a while, I immediately went back to this thread for oogl... errr... checking for updates and to test my memory. And yup, had memorized everything quite well and still in love with your take on Liara ;)
thanks!!!!! Hope to have an updated Liara by October.

i hope to see you on actober i remeber seeing you at the last expo, great costume :) me and my friend are hoping to have our mass effect costumes done for october aswell, hes doing garrus and im doing legion, also thanks for commenting on my legion thread haha