Let's see your Vader Reveal set


Sr Member
Just found a new space to display my Vader reveal set. Mind is the old school type. :love

Post your setup and share :)
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Mine's still in a box with no place to display :(


Here's mine in parts...:unsure



What´s the origin of the mask you´re using for your VR?
I have the natty15d, but I´m looking to upgrade it (still waiting for Steve to come through)

What´s the origin of the mask you´re using for your VR?
I have the natty15d, but I´m looking to upgrade it (still waiting for Steve to come through)


It's from the Tim Ketzer molds of long ago.

Do you mean Steve as in Langlois? Haven't heard from him in a couple of years.

I'd really, really like to do this prop justice and so far I haven't found a mask that has done that, including my own. I'd like to start from scratch with someone who could cross-reference the original from the ground up and work a replica of the mask and chinpiece from that. I'm not worried about the detail parts; slow as they are in coming they'll get there eventually. It's just the fiberglass parts that aren't my skillset.
Now THAT, is a nice interior.

Is this the one sold on eBay sometime back? I so wanted one like this but couldn't get myself to put down the cash for another reveal lid...

It looks like the mad27 version from ebay. I think he's sold a ton of them there!
Now THAT, is a nice interior.

Is this the one sold on eBay sometime back? I so wanted one like this but couldn't get myself to put down the cash for another reveal lid...

Yes, I got it on eBay about 2 years ago. #6 of 20, with "Custom Heads" listed as the maker.

These are really nicely made, and fit together remarkably. The interior piece with the eyes is removable, and there are provisions for straps (included) to even make it wearable. It even has built-in Vader breathing!
Here's a crummy pic of mine in even more parts! I figure I'm about 85% there--not including the helmet lol.

I waited two years for my mask from Steve... and he never delivered :cry

It's from the Tim Ketzer molds of long ago.

Do you mean Steve as in Langlois? Haven't heard from him in a couple of years.

I'd really, really like to do this prop justice and so far I haven't found a mask that has done that, including my own. I'd like to start from scratch with someone who could cross-reference the original from the ground up and work a replica of the mask and chinpiece from that. I'm not worried about the detail parts; slow as they are in coming they'll get there eventually. It's just the fiberglass parts that aren't my skillset.
I waited two years for my mask from Steve... and he never delivered :cry

Is there any chance to get in contact with him?
He stopped answering the mails long ago...too bad, since the reworked mask looked VERY promising!

I´d even buy the master from him to make copies available, if this would be an option. Anybody knows/ is in contact with him?

I've been collecting parts from portumac and vaderdoctor over at ebay. I would be really interested to get the two part face plate.:) But no luck so far. So all the parts are in plastic bags.:cry

Is there any chance to get in contact with him?
He stopped answering the mails long ago...too bad, since the reworked mask looked VERY promising!

I´d even buy the master from him to make copies available, if this would be an option. Anybody knows/ is in contact with him?

I waited two years for my mask from Steve... and he never delivered :cry

Had you paid him? Didn't have much exchange with him personally but I wouldn't have taken him for a crook.

As I stated in a previous post, I'd really like to start from scratch on the fiberglass parts myself. A good while back I contacted Jesper Regel (JRX) about the Vader mask he showed in his thread here: http://www.therpf.com/showthread.php?t=40178. I had thought this would be a fantastic base from which to get a mask and chinpiece but it wasn't a project he was interested in pursuing. He did, however, give me a bit of a heads-up on an upcoming reveal project from a source he wouldn't name and of specifics he couldn't mention. Haven't heard another peep from Jesper, the above-mentioned thread or the mystery reveal project he talked about...

Maybe if enough people are interested we could petition someone here to atleast audition the idea. I've had someone else in mind but I have no idea at all if they'd be open to it. The handful of people left on our old reveal project have bid me good luck as they don't want any part of it, having slogged through to this point with what they have! :lol And who can blame them really?:unsure
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Unfortunately I think Jesper has been forced into retirement by circumstances beyond his control (it's gotten kind of messy I understand). Personally I was trying to scrape together the fundage to pop for the GH ROTJ Master that was up for sale recently with a mind to use it as the base for a run of two part masks but someone else managed to puchase it first.

I'm hoping that maybe a run of VP masks will happen (NOT holding my breath) or another GH ROTJ will appear sometime within the next year that I could chop up.

Still looking for the right mask...