
New Member
I recently shot a fan film to a popular video game that alot of you most likely know about. I wanted to share some stills and pictures for those who are interested.


thanks guys :) it was a fun shoot. actors were fun to work with, got them to play the game and walk and talk like the cast in the game.. it was way too much fun.
thanks guys :) it was a fun shoot. actors were fun to work with, got them to play the game and walk and talk like the cast in the game.. it was way too much fun.

Waitaminute, you managed to get a non-gamer cast to play the role of characters from a popular video game for a fanfilm? THE END IS COMING!!! :eek

Jokes aside, those stills look fantastic. When and where will you release the final product (if at all)?

BTW nice Valve reference in the 2nd photo.
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Is that a Hunter i see on those barrells? Did you do any of the other Special Infected?
I'm looking forward to this film! You got the costumes spot on. Now show us the tank!

Oh, and Francis looks spot on!
ohhh i just love this!
I got rather addicted to the game..part 1 and part 2.
Annoys me a bit lately that everyone playing is 5 yrs old it seems lol
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