Latex masks of actors?


Sr Member
Curious...Has anyone sculpted a likeness of someone like Harrison Ford, molded it onto a latex mask and use it in something like an Indiana costume?
I know several people have made masks of Donald Pleasence as Dr Sam Loomis, but i've never seen a Harrison Ford mask as part of someone's Indygear. nearest i've seen is solid latex heads for busts or life-size displays.

There was the obligatory Indiana Jones rubber mask that came out back when the movies were released, but AFAIK nothing since then are you looking to buy a mask or are you just curious.
I know several people have made masks of Donald Pleasence as Dr Sam Loomis, but i've never seen a Harrison Ford mask as part of someone's Indygear. nearest i've seen is solid latex heads for busts or life-size displays.

There was the obligatory Indiana Jones rubber mask that came out back when the movies were released, but AFAIK nothing since then are you looking to buy a mask or are you just curious.

Just curious, thats all. When it comes to trooping, accuracy is number one and essential with masked characters(i.e. stormtroopers, halo, Vaders, etc). Was wondering when someone will take costuming to the next level when it comes to exposed faced characters.
I can't imagine that looking like anything other than those creepy "masking" fetish dudes that wear latex masks of women. :sick

I'm down for a lot of stuff, but not the kind that reminds people of Leatherface. :lol

If you're gonna wear a mask that's meant to actually look like a person (and not a Gorn or something) you'd probably want to go for silicone with punched hair, like these guys. Maybe something with flocked skin for that peach fuzz... but definitely not latex. You'll just look like a serial killer. :confused
Im sure you've all seen Cybermans work on his Ray Park(Darth Maul) and Emperor. With the right paintjob, I think its definately possible.
Let's see:

-Jason Voorhees. While most go with a latex hood under the hockey mask, I've seen a few with full-face masks under the hock. I guess this would only count in Parts 2-4 when the actors' faces weren't fully covered.

-William Shatner, sort of, for Halloween. a bunch of people have reproduced the old Don Post Kirk for desplay or to convert into a Shape mask. Never seen a Kirk mask on a Trekkie in uniform.

-Nosferatu. Don't know the actor's name, but i've seen several custom masks.

-I've seen a few prosthetic appliances as part of ROTJ Vaders.

-i saw a mask of Scott Reiniger from Dawn of the Dead once.

I'm sure there are others, but those are the only ones that come to mind.
How about Nixon in Watchmen? That looked like a good one to me :)

Quick side note: Miles Teves was specifically asked by Snyder to make the historical figure makeups purposely charicatured. I don't know if it was to make them read better on screen or to add to the alternate-timeline feel, all I know is that the chuckles it elicited from my friend during the film made me want to hit him in the head with a brick.
For Rocketeer, we did appliances for actor Tiny Ron to look like Rondo Hatton for the "Lothar" character. Looked pretty good...
I'm thinking of doing one for a Terminator costume. Casts of Arnie's face are not hard to come by and it would look pretty screen accurate (to the puppet shots in front of the mirror when he is removing his eye)
THAT'S the one. and i know he didn't wear a mask for Nosferatu; i meant accurate masks of the character.

I have a 1st generation lifecast of Ron Perlman with his mouth open, I was thinking a silicone mask would work nicely. The guy has such a giant strange fact though..
Im sure you've all seen Cybermans work on his Ray Park(Darth Maul) and Emperor. With the right paintjob, I think its definately possible.

You mean Cyberman/Gino's Darth Maul and Emperor. :cool

As for whether or not something like this would work, I think it would not give off the desired effect and just end up looking like someone wearing a halloween mask.

You mean sumtin like this from Stan Winston Studios??
I want this for my Iron Man suit!! even as a display!!!

Look up kenpatterson on ebay. 'Haunted Studios' sell life casts of celebrities, and "enhanced lifecast" busts. Some look more authentic than others, for sure.

He's selling lifecast faces of dozens of celebrities. Lord knows where he gets them, but he's selling them openly on ebay.
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You mean Cyberman/Gino's Darth Maul and Emperor. :cool

As for whether or not something like this would work, I think it would not give off the desired effect and just end up looking like someone wearing a halloween mask.


Sorry about the omission Gino! :$