I know several people have made masks of Donald Pleasence as Dr Sam Loomis, but i've never seen a Harrison Ford mask as part of someone's Indygear. nearest i've seen is solid latex heads for busts or life-size displays.
There was the obligatory Indiana Jones rubber mask that came out back when the movies were released, but AFAIK nothing since then are you looking to buy a mask or are you just curious.
How about Nixon in Watchmen? That looked like a good one to me
For Rocketeer, we did appliances for actor Tiny Ron to look like Rondo Hatton for the "Lothar" character. Looked pretty good...
I can't imagine that looking like anything other than those creepy "masking" fetish dudes that wear latex masks of women. :sick
-Nosferatu. Don't know the actor's name, but i've seen several custom masks.
Man, I so won't be showing off my Buffalo Bill costume 'round here.
Max Schreck.
Und zat woz no mask, blah!
THAT'S the one. and i know he didn't wear a mask for Nosferatu; i meant accurate masks of the character.
Im sure you've all seen Cybermans work on his Ray Park(Darth Maul) and Emperor. With the right paintjob, I think its definately possible.
You mean Cyberman/Gino's Darth Maul and Emperor. :cool
As for whether or not something like this would work, I think it would not give off the desired effect and just end up looking like someone wearing a halloween mask.
You mean sumtin like this from Stan Winston Studios??
I want this for my Iron Man suit!! even as a display!!!