LAPD Badges?


Sr Member
Someone told me but I can't remember for the life of me what he said lol Where do I get one or two to mock up a lethal weapon badge and a die hard wallet?

I live in Tasmania so I guess it's ok here??? lol

well real ones are next to impossible since 9-11. There are many palces to get fake ones, but these days hard to get anything that looks even close. Oh...and very expensive!
The guy I used to make my LAPD badge from Die Hard is in Germany. He doesn't make single badge orders anymore, only runs of 10 or more. These also cost $150- $175 each. I am intersted in getting a Die Hard 4 NYPD badge done but I need another 9 people that would be willing to fork out the $175 each.

Here is the LAPD badge I have from DH...

Hey Tank... you making these?
No, but I wish somebody still was, the ones you see pictured come as close to the Dragnet 67 and Early Adam-12 era as any LAPD replica could. I had a few more of these V-bottoms and I regret parting with them as the last one was made about 7 years ago.
The very best replicas of the current badge are marked MUSEUM QUALITY REPRODUCTION on the rear, beautiful pieces of work. Expect to pay $250-$300
I had three but I sold them :cry

I'd love one of the older style.
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The very best replicas of the current badge are marked MUSEUM QUALITY REPRODUCTION on the rear, beautiful pieces of work. Expect to pay $250-$300
I had three but I sold them :cry

I'd love one of the older style.
I felt much worse when I had to sell off most of my V-Bottom LAPD Series 6 replicas(COMMISSIONER, CHIEF, COMMANDER, FIRST SERGEANT(Custom Rank)/1734, SERGEANT/714, MOTOR OFFICER/5845 POLICEMAN/744 and POLICEMAN/2430). I wish I knew if anyone still made the V-bottoms.
What do you mean Series 6 V bottom? You mean the series 6's that were more narrow at the bottom such as the ones made by LASSCO?