I am looking for Lalo Salamncas gold necklace and was wondering if anyone can help me, I can buy a replica or make one if I have a clear photo of the necklace.
Its always covered hy his shirt on the show so I cant make it out, all I know is that its custom made.
Would really appreciate your help, Ive spent months searching online and reaching out to different people all over the world but no luck !
Thank you
I am looking for Lalo Salamncas gold necklace and was wondering if anyone can help me, I can buy a replica or make one if I have a clear photo of the necklace.
Its always covered hy his shirt on the show so I cant make it out, all I know is that its custom made.
Would really appreciate your help, Ive spent months searching online and reaching out to different people all over the world but no luck !
Thank you
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